
Performing Esha Salaah once the time sets in

Q: My question is about differing start and finish times for Salaah. The mosques I have near to me have different times for Salaah. For example one mosque start time for esha is 9:30pm and another is 10:20pm. If I usually pray in one mosque can I follow the timing for the other, again as an example I follow the mosque with the 10:20pm start but offer my esha prayer before that as the other mosque clearly starts at 9:30pm. Is this permissible?

Tahajjud Salaah

Q: I want to ask that if I fall asleep at night without offering Isha prayer (unintentionally) and then in the middle of night if I wake up, can I offer isha prayer and soon after that tahajjud prayer? Also, do I read tahajjud prayer before witr or after witr (completing isha prayer and then read tahajjud)?

Does one have to make qadha of the Witr Salaah if the Esha Salaah was not valid

Q: A person performed his Esha and Witr Salaah on a particular day. Later, he realized that his Esha Salaah was not valid (after the time for Esha and Witr had expired). Should he just perform the qada of Esha (since it was invalid) or should he also perform the qada of Witr (even though he performed witr correctly)?