Laws pertaining to the Slaughterer

Machine cut chickens

Q: I follow the Hanafi fiqh and the Hanafi fiqh states that chicken must be hand slaughtered and Machine slaughtered cannot be eaten. Shafi'ee fiqh allows for the consumption of machine slaughtered chicken as long as it is done the proper way (with Kalima). In Mecca and Madina there are mostly Shafi'i followers. Is it okay for me, a follower of the Hanafi fiqh, to eat chicken when I go for Umrah/HAJJ if it is not hand slaughtered?

Consuming Halaal

Q: I follow the Hanafi fiqh and the Hanafi fiqh states that chicken must be hand slaughtered. Machine slaughtered chickens cannot be eaten. The Shafi'ee fiqh allows for the consumption of machine slaughtered chicken as long as it is done the proper way (with Kalima). In Makkah and Madina there are mostly Shafi'ee followers. Is it okay for me, a follower of the Hanafi fiqh, to eat chicken when I go for Umrah and Hajj if it is not hand slaughtered?

Halaal meat

Q: I am living in Abu Dhabi. I love to eat meat mutton and beef especially liver and heart. Whenever I go to buy meat, I find it in three types, i) Pakistani, ii) Indian, iii) Australian. Here I am confused, which one is Halasl meat?

Slaughtering of animals

Q: Please view the following quotation and verify:

The default ruling for the meat is Haram unless conditional clause of “إِلَّا مَا ذَكَّيْتُمْ (unless you have properly slaughtered)” is fulfilled which renders it permissible to consume.

So, what is the default when it comes to the meat of animals before they are slaughtered? The default regarding animals as a whole is that they are halal unless there is a text forbidding them.

However, the default specifically regarding eating the meat of these animals is that it is haram until we are sure that they have been slaughtered properly. So, if doubt is introduced, we go back to the default ruling. This is a very important principle that many who write about the issue of slaughtered meats are heedless of, as they throw out the phrase ‘the
default in things is their permissibility’ and ‘certainty is not removed by doubt,’ and they conclude that the default in these doubtful meats is therefore that they are halal. This principle that all of the scholars of Fiqh have confirmed – either implicitly or explicitly – is that the default ruling of animals is that they are haram until it is confirmed that they have been slaughtered properly. And Imam Nawawi (RA) said in Al-Majmu, “This principle is a point of consensus between the scholars, and there is no dispute regarding it,” and he commented (in his commentary of Saheeh Muslim) on the hadith of ‘Adiyy bin Hatim that will be mentioned (if Allah Wills) by saying: “It shows an important principle, and this is that if
there is any doubt regarding the method of slaughter of an animal, it is not allowed to eat it due to the fact that the default ruling is that it is forbidden, and there is no dispute on this.” 

(The Ruling on Meat Slaughtered In the West by Shaykh Abdullah Azzam Shaheed (RA))

Guidelines for a Muslim abattoir


  1. What are the Shar'iee conditions in order for the slaughter to be valid in Shari'ah?
  2. Are machine cut chickens Halaal in Shari'ah? If Halaal, what are the Shar'iee laws governing this mas'ala? Similarly explain that if the machine slaughters many chickens at one time, what is the shar’ee ruling regarding the meat?
  3. I wish to inquire about the scalding process at the chicken factories. The slaughtered chickens are immersed (whilst still bleeding with the intestines, impurities etc.) into a hot water tank for softening the feathers etc. This water is filthy and some of the impurities are possibly absorbed into the flesh. Approximately 500 to 700 birds at a time could be in this hot water at
    any point in time, where it remains for approximately 5 minutes. How does this process affect the status of the meat? Does the meat remain halaal or does it become makrooh or haraam for Muslim consumption?
  4. We are in the process of opening an abattoir in our area to provide halaal meat and facilitate the needs and requirements of the Muslim community. We would be grateful if you could guide us in this regard.  If there are any other issues in relation to the masaail of slaughter, apart from the above mentioned three questions, we would be appreciative if you could also apprise us regarding it?