Things which are permissible & impermissible to consume from the animal

Carnivores animals

Q: In the Quran 2:173 it says that Allah has "only" forbidden dead animals and pork etc. But it does not say anything about carnivores, which most scholars regard as haram but since it says "only" does that mean that there is a contradiction? Please explain.

Eating the testis of an animal

Q: Is eating testis of an animal haram? If yes, then what is the evidence from the Quran to consider it as haram. According to fiqh rule to consider it haram, there must be evidence from the Quran or from weak hadith. If it is haram then why is it being sold in Muslim countries? If you consider it as haram then smoking cigarettes is also haram and you should cease the fight and accept Saudi's Ulema as correct.

If people eat it, will their prayers not be accepted?

Eating spleen

Q: It is haram for us to consume carrion (blood). Is it halaal for us to eat Spleen of an animal (since spleen also contains red blood cells) or is the prohibition only for running blood?

Eating lungs

Q: Would it be permissible to eat lungs (kalaiji) of any halal animal? (Actually one of my friends is baralvi he told me that it is makrooh e tehrimi and should not be eaten)