The Meat & Skin of the Qurbaani Animal

Equal distribution of the qurbaani animal

Q: Alhamdulillah my parents had slaughtered a cow for Eid which they included shares for myself, my daughter and my wife. I had told them that I would pay for my share as I wanted to pay for my waajib qurbani.

1. Although I asked my mother earlier, she had only given me the price of the qurbani on the day it was slaughtered. As I did not have the bank details I could not make the payment before it was slaughtered. Can I still pay my parents for my qurbani?

2. It is my understanding that my father paid for the qurbani while my mother handles the distribution and my father does not mind. My mother has told us on a few occasions that we should let her know whatever we want from the cow. Should there be any extra caution exercised to ensure that no interest(ribaa) is given or taken?

Qurbaani slaughter facility selling skins to a tannery

Q: I am assisting the general public in cutting and skinning the sheep as they do not have any facilities as well as many do not know how to make the slaughter. A farmer that collects skins for the tannery is prepared to collect the skins and after it has been sorted and graded at the tannery, they will then pay us some cash value of the skins.

Question: It is a generally understood common practice in South Africa for the public to leave the skins of their qurbani sheep at the slaughter facility as they have no need for it. The owners of the slaughter facility subsequently do as they wish with these skins that were left behind. If a tannery pays cash to them i.e to the owners of the slaughter facility for these skins, Can they donate it to a musjid for renovations ?

Giving the qurbaani meat in sadaqah

Q: Please advise with regard to Qurbaani, it is compulsory upon four of us in the house. We usually slaughter one sheep at home and send the rest to a welfare organisations. The sheep we slaughter is usually done in our late fathers name. My question, would it be better to slaughter on my living mother's name because we consume the meat and send my late fathers share to a welfare organisation where meat will be distributed to people less fortunate. Is there any more reward doing it this way?