online course

Teaching online

Q: I plan to teach online using platforms such as Blabelia and Blabmate. I need the Shar'ee instructions for the following:

1) Uploading a photo? Should I or should I not? Though its a requirement, yet I feel hesitant to upload my photo.

2) Teaching online- might involve - males and females as there is not control over it. So what should I do or write on my profile that is not discriminatory as I want to teach males only?

3) If in case, I end up finding females in my online classes, what should I do? Should I teach them? How? Apart from that are there any sharia rules that apply?

Leaving the lesson and performing Salaah

Q: I am taking an online aalimah course and because of time differences, South African time goes from before maghrib 6:00 to 8:30 after esha has already set in. The asaatizah have told us that we should leave for salaah and catch up with the missed portion of the lesson later.i.e. We definitely shouldn't miss our Salaah for classes. Our first lesson completes at 7:00 or 6:45 depending on subject and day. Can I wait for the first lesson to complete and then read my maghrib Salaah before the next subject or should I immediately leave the lesson and catch up later?