
Unfair treatment from parents

Q: I am un-happy living at home with the rules that have been implied. Even when I do nothing wrong, I still feel as if they blame me. I do everything in the home for chores helping my parents and errands. I have other siblings as well but the do not help. I am getting emotionally depressed and want to start doing drugs and staying out the house because once coming home I cry most the time. I feel as if my parents don't understand me yet. I try to make them time after time. I have started trying to tell them I am moving out and they react as if I am doing something horrible and hit and yell abuse at me. Everyday it's the same thing. I want to be gone but my family won't let me. Do I leave with out their permission? What do I do? Please help. I am only 20 years old. I do have a friend's house who is willing to let me stay with her as long as I can. I can't focus on my studies any more at all as well. Please help.

Eye contact with boys and girls

Q: I want to know what is the fact beyond eye to eye contact beacuse when I look into eyes of small girls they get in strong contact with me. I only did 30 or 40 times of eye contact because of I feel shame by doing so not only girls and also boys. I probably feel that I am talking with his soul. I go deep inside it like talking with evil like that and that he will be under me. 

Girl living with her parents after nikaah

Q: I have been engaged for over two years now and this December we were going to get married and then he lost his job so he cancelled everything. I want to know if we can make nikaah and I still live at my parents home until he finds a job? I have been very patient in those two years and now I'm tired. I don't mind if he does not take care of me financially, I just feel nikah is the right way I cannot keep on waiting. I explained that he doesn't have to support me until he gets a job and I'm comfortable with it and its not right considering that he comes to visit me all the time.

Correcting one's father

Q: My father is doing milk business. He does adulteration in milk by adding water. I tried to stop him in a calm manner but he kept on doing adulteration and now I fought with him and started yelling to him regarding this wrong act. Am I doing wrong because I tried the other way but he doesn't listen. What should I do? Islam says don't raise voice against your parents but what if they are doing wrong?