
Irregular bleeding

Q: I have just started homeopathic treatment to correct my hormonal imbalance (irregular periods). I had my haiz for 8 days and was clean so I had a ghusl. Today is the 10th day and this morning I can see a very thin line of blood in my discharge. The discharge is more than the blood. Do I regard this as part of my haiz?

Discharge in the shower

Q: I am a female and have a lot of daily disharge. Before ghusal I always urinate. Sometimes just after completing my ghusal I feel to see if discharge has came out or not and I'll feel that discharge has come out. So that means I rinsed my private part and while taking ghusal normal daily discharged has come out. Does it contaminate the water running down my legs while making ghusal? Is my ghusal valid, or should I repeat it?

Yellow discharge

Q: I just needed to ask two questions regarding haidh:

1. Is yellow discharge at the ending of haidh regarded haidh or istihadha?

2. What if the is slight sign of blood but most is yellow?

Wrong thoughts

Q: I was getting help from the teacher for a questions and I was sitting and some bad sexual thoughts came to my mind and I randomly was shaking my leg to and the thought gave me a weird feeling in my private area but soon left also I was shaking my leg but not for the purpose to get rid of that feeling as soon as I realized I even was shaking my leg I stopped but since I was concentrating on my work the thought left my mind and later when I got up I felt a slight bit of wetness and when I came home there was a bit of discharge. Am I napaak?

Qadha for missed Salaahs

Q: Around ten years ago I had performed umrah. At the time I was negligent regarding my discharge and reading salaah with a fresh wudhu. I wish to repeat all of my salaah. What should my intention be before performing each salaah. It is 6 weeks of salaah.

Wet dream

Q: If I have a wet dream but on waking up I don't see or feel any wetness at my private area and also on my clothes, because I am doubtful in nature so I insert a cloth at my vagina then little wetness put on that cloth but wetness was not mani and also I thought that this is just the moisture of vagina as woman private area have always wetness?