
Discharge coming out due to sexual thoughts


1. I was sitting and some sexual dirty thoughts came and I didn't know if discharge had came or not but like after one hour when I went to the washroom and I washed, I noticed a bit more discharge then usual. Am I napaak now?

2. When I was washing I got this weird feeling in my private area and my heartbeat didn't go faster or anything but when I finished there was a little bit of discharge. Would that make me napaak?


Q: I have asked you my question few days ago. I also want to say that I had a beige colour discharge? As I saw that before passing urine which I hadn't passed for a long time and a darker colour discharge once during the day. I usually use khursuf so that how I saw it and I am a doubtful person so I am a bit confused as to how should I count? this is the 18th day of my cycle.


Q: Could you please tell me if there is any mistake in my knowledge?

1. All kind of women discharges break wudu

2. You can make new wudu for new salah even before the time for this salah starts having all kind of discharges currently (usual, cold, infection, unknown) except if after 10 days of haidh you are still bleeding (in this case wudu to be done after salah time starts)

3. If during normal days you have reddish or brownish discharges (as during haidh) you still can make new wudu even before salah time starts as it is not the continuation of ones haidh.

4. If you have a spot of discharge on your clothes, should it be always washed away or depending on the size you can still make salah in these clothes? Could you please explain the size comparing it to something?

5. Does urine drops have the same ruling as in 4?

6. If any kind of najasa is dry and I touched it, do I become napaak and have to wash my hands or clothes if I touched it by clothes? Example, if someone didn’t wash hands after touching urine, hands dried and then this person touched me, do I have to go and wash what he touched? The same for all kind of najasa (discharges, blood, semen, etc) – should we wash our skin or clothes touching them when they are dry?


Q: I have sometimes frequent discharges. Once I found it out that there was nothing on my pad, but with a mirror I saw the discharge exiting the private part. Other time after wudu I took a mirror to check and saw inside white liquid discharge that was about to flow out, meaning had I not check it and made salah immediately after wudu I would make it with discharge out of the private parts. I have some questions here.

1. If I suspect the discharge to be in contact with my pad because it is at the edge of vagina, even if the discharge didn’t have time to fall to the pad – can I consider the pad clean or have to change it for salah?

2. After those episodes above, even if I see my pad clean sometimes I always have doubts if the discharge is at the edge of my vagina or even exited it. Do I have to really walk with a mirror and check it in my situation or what is the ruling here?

3. If I made my wudu and feel some movements in vagina like air or discharge, but not sure, do I have to take a mirror and check or can ignore? I am afraid that my salah will be void. By the way, is air coming from vagina breaking wudu?

4. If I check myself with a mirror and see some discharge is inside but not yet out, but about too. If I make my salah, do I have to check after salah if the discharge is out and I need to redo my salah?

5. As in 4. when I see discharge is about to flow I skip sunnas (except fajr), because I am the only Muslim at home and I don’t want my non-Muslim family to say that I spend a lot of time in toilet and only worshipping Allah. Is it ok in shaa Allah or I am trying to escape Allah’s test?