
Wearing uniform

Q: Is it permissible for males to take a job at a place where it is compulsory for employees to wear a uniform (a company branded shirt and pants)? I do not refer to places where the work may require it, such as work overalls for a diesel mechanic or a painter. I ask regarding office jobs, retail, computer support, waiters in a restaurant etc. Muslim businesses also have these uniform requirements for Muslim staff.

Seeing white spots on one's clothes

Q: I have been having little doubts about wet dream. I woke this morning and I got changed and went with my day. Didn't notice any wetness or anything, but when I got home in afternoon to pray I got little doubts so I went to check the garment that slept in. When I checked, the garment had very little white dry patches. Since I saw these patches I got more waswasas. Also I put this garment with my clean clothes. I was wondering is this garment impure? Will my prayer be invalid? Is this just waswasas? If it is not waswasas, will the other clothes become impure as well?