
Emulating the kuffaar

Q: What does emulating the kuffaar mean? Is it only confined to clothing or does it also relate to other aspects of one's life? We see the kuffaar driving cars and eating and drinking in plates and cups and we Muslims also do the same. Is this not also emulating the kuffaar in our actions?

Mazi coming out when speaking to girls

Q: Whenever I talk to a girl, even if it's a normal conversation, some liquid comes out from my private part in a very very minor amount. What should I do? If this happens I will be talking a bath 24/7 and how could I handle my practical life before marriage? Even if I am talking on the phone I feel seduced without any reason, having just a normal conversation. Please help me, I offer 5 times Salaah and remain in wudhu. I do not watch TV a lot, no movies, songs. One in a day if possible. My life is ruined because of this. Help me.

The coming out of discharge

Q: When I was at school I had some dirty sexual thoughts during the day and I was not sure if discharge had came out or not but when I got home I noticed only a tiny bit of discharge on my underwear, but when I used the bathroom and washed there was a lot of discharge. Am I napaak? If I don't do ghusul right away will everything in my use become napaak?