cold rooms

Installing refrigeration systems

Q: I have applied for a job at a company that installs industrial refrigeration systems (cold rooms, cooling for warehouses, etc.). My job would entail designing the system as well as overseeing the installation and repairs on site. I have found out that the clients include breweries as well as companies that would stock haraam meat products (certain fast food franchises and supermarkets). Based on the above please could Mufti Saab advise as follows: 1. Will it be permissible for me to take on such employment, or will it fall under the category of assisting in sin? 2. If the answer to the above is 'impermissible', will the ruling change if I am granted exclusion from working on the cold room that would store alcohol and other haraam products? 3. Any other info that Mufti Saab would feel relevant, as I would not always know what the cold room would be used for. Jazakallah for your time and effort, and please do remember us in your duas.