
Ruqyah treatment

Q: How often should one do ruqyah if one is suffering from ocd (more accurately waswas al-qahri)? If one is in the process of ruqyah and accidently utters an english word, is the ruqya nullified? How about an arabic word? Also, is it permissible to do one ruqya session for multiple illnesses (for same person)? Will this take away from the effectiveness?

Charging for ruqya

Q: I need help as I have been affected by sihr. Alhamdulillah Allah has helped me through some very difficult times in my life. I heard about ruqya and when I searched and found a group of people in SA who does this but they charge money. Is this genuine and are you allowed to charge money? I am very weary of most people as I believe that they use Jinn to trick people into believing their "healing" powers and it is also detrimental to ones Imaan.


Q: I have been too much worried about the marriage issue of my daughter for three years. Many proposals came for her but nobody return who came to my house to see my daughter. An aalim told me that listening to 'ruqyah' is a treatment of some kind of seher, jinnat and evil eye. So I started to listen, but after two days I saw in my dream that me and my husband were going toward my car which was parked somewhere, as I got closer to my car I felt somebody inside already. As I opened the door of car it was not like car from inside, it was like empty house and a girl was moving here and there madly like she was finding the way out but unable to find the way. When I got up it was 4:00 am and I was very scared. I want to know whether this dream has any connection with listening to ruqyah?


Q: What is ruqya and what is the correct method? What is the Shar'ee ruling regarding ruqya? Please advise.


Q: What is the Islamic ruling on aamils? Those that claim to know who is affected by jinn. Is it permissible for a husband to bring such a person into your home? What is ruqya and what is the distinction between the two?