
Jinnaat and black magic

Q: I am looking for advice on what to do with this situation, and hopefully some peace with dealing with it. My sister has had issues with her mental health for a few years now. Before she was sick she was a practising muslim, she would pray and practice hijab and would seak to please allah in all that she could. Her imam was very strong. However during her time at medical school she fell sick and developed severe depression which caused her to develop psycosis, where she would believe things that are not true and hear voices that would dictate what she did. The doctors says it was because of the stress of medical school that triggered the sickness. However she believes the voices are jinns and someone has done black magic on her. Over a course of a 6 months, my parents decided to take her out of school and into hospital, most of which was done against her will. she turned very very violent and they had no choice. She left the hospital heavily medicated and a changed muslim and sister. This was a year ago. After searching and visiting many imams, she now has been regularly visiting an imam who prays on her and has told her she had something done to her and he will pray for her and he will try to rid the voices . Because of this she still belives she has jinns that whisper and cause her restless nights. She also says she has lost her imam, which was the greatest thing she possed, because of them. She said they say such terrible things constantly, she is not able to stand and give salat. 4 months ago she decided to stop her medication, with the help of doctors, as she felt the problem was not her it was the jinns. and she hated the mind numbing experiance it caused her, and she wanted to return back to her studies. she seemed fine, we knew it would be risky without the medication but it was what she wanted and was handling life and the real sister was making her way back to us slowly. until a week ago, now with the stress of school, she has resorted back to her sick state. believing things that are not real. the nature of the false belifes are usually sexually related and she herself would never say or do such awful things. What do we do for her? she is in her mid 20's, im worried she will not make a life for herself, she will not be able to study. This sickness me and my family do not know how to make sense of it. If she is bothered by voices of these things that what are we to do? we have prayed and prayed. Does someone have the power with this so called magic to cause this much pain on a persons life. I know my sister is in there, suffering. After the first time it happened, she told me she knew it was happing, but could do nothing. What advice can you give to mentally sick family members, how do we cope?

Aamil banna


1. Aamil log ilm kaise or kaha se sikhte hai.

2. Mere mama logo ka ilaj karte hai aamil hai or wo mujhse kehte hai ki aap sikhlo mujhse to ye ilm sikhna sahi hai kya?

3. Ham kaise pata karen ki kon Quran hadis se ilaj karta hai or kon jadugar hai?

Treating evil eye

Q: As we know some people get evil eye removed from them by using female hair. They do it as such: The woman catches her hair which is tied and moves it up and down in front of the head of the other person and tells people's name whose evil eye might have happened on the person. Then she says that let the evil eye which is on you go to the trees of the forests. Then she recites Surah Naas, Surah Falaq etc.

Undergoing treatment by an Aamil

Q: My question is regarding treatment for sehr. I have been to doctors and blood tests, all clear Alhamdulillah. I thereafter wanted to go to an aamil for treatment and searched the internet regarding this, I read that by going to someone who uses jinn one can loose their Iman and sometimes may be equivalent to shirk. Some Aamils that I was referred to can apparently treat without having to see you by taking your name and your mother's name. Regarding this, I've read that it's not allowed because our lineage is from our father's side and in taking your mother's name you destroy your lineage. Mufti saheb please help me with this matter as I am in desperate need of help and am afraid as I don't want to loose my Iman.

Going to aamils

Q: I am facing several marriage blockings from past four years. I tried several wazifas but conditions are still same. In this regard I have contacted a spiritual healer. He has his connections with the tablighi jamat. The methods suggested for the relieve are the burning of amulets wrapped in cotton and looking at the flame at maghrib time together with the rubbing of egg on the body and use of meat and throwing it away for first two days. The burning of amulets continues for 3 months. Are these methods of healing permissable?

Going to people who deal with jinn

Q: I am asking this question as I genuinely don't know the answer.

Is it permissible to take advice from or to give time to a person who you speak to and where they would start reciting something quietly and start telling you things about yourself such as they would ask you if you are often bloated and if you have seen any blue marks on your body and if you are upset with your husband due to a certain reason (and may I just add that they are correct with a lot of the things they mention) and the thing is that no one actually gave them this information about yourself besides your name or sometimes your mother's name. They also would say to someone that they have a jinn in them and the jinn from that person would take possession of another person who is assisting this person who is helping you and you can interact with the jinn in this way.

Is it permissible in Islam to go to such people for help? How do they gather such information about you without even meeting you or merely speaking to you telephonically. I would assume they are getting the information from a jinn?

Please assist as I don't want to commit any bidat and so that if this is not in accordance with Islam, I can advise my loved ones against it.

Going to an Aamil

Q: I wasn't feeling well, so I had an aamil check me on the phone. My friend told me about him. He is a hafiz and on Deen. So he has a lot reference people go to him. Alhumdulillah with the hukm of Allah people get cured. So he lives overseas. So if I call him on the cell and speak to him, he tell's you what is happening. Mow my yakin is on Allah only. So i was having bad foot pain and cramps so I called him and he told me put out your hand and close your hands and then he checks from there. He tells you what you have like a blood circulation problem and what medicine you have to take. Now he came to my country as well and he checked me. I had jinns, so he removed it by placing them in bottle. Now when I call him on the phone, he tells me you have to take this medicine and so on. I am worried is it shirk. I know only Allah knows everything only Allah is the curer. We used the means of the world but only Allah can give shifa. So by asking him from my country and he tells you put you hand out and then he ask if it heavy and he ask if you have pain here and there and then he tells you what illness you have, is listening to him shirk? I am worried about my Imaan. I want to die on Imaan.


Q: What is the Islamic ruling on aamils? Those that claim to know who is affected by jinn. Is it permissible for a husband to bring such a person into your home? What is ruqya and what is the distinction between the two?