
Teaching one's child hifz at home

Q: My son started hifz class in September 2017. Before he went into hifz class he already did 4 juz at home. He started from juz 1 at the mosque as he is the youngest in his class and he was nervous. Alhamdulillah they has never been a complaint about him regarding tajweed or anything else. I feel he prays proper at home with full concentration. Would there be anything wrong in teaching him at home?

Reading qasr salaah at home

Q: I am staying in a hostel and doing my 1st year college. When I come home for the weekend, I offer salaah as a musaafir by offering 2 rakaats zuhr, 2 rakaats asr, 3 rakaats maghrib and 2 rakaats isha. My house is 177 km away from the hostel. Is it right? How many km should it be for me to be a musaafir?

Wearing the niqaab in a home with non-mahram males

Q: I have a question about purdah. I live at my mother in-laws house and I wear niqab. There are always males in the home who are my husband's cousins and uncles. Is it permissible to not wear the niqab when they are present? I try avoid taking it off as much as possible but sometimes I am unaware that they are in the home and am not wearing it which makes me feel guilty because there have been times where my husband says I should leave it off or he doesn't encourage to wear it when those particular people are around.