
Men removing body hair


1. Is it permissable for males to remove hair on the following body parts: the chest, feet, hands and forearms, and legs.

2. While making masah of a zulfar in wudhu, is it permissible to groom the hair, e.g wetting it and grooming it in such a way where one ensures that it is neat.

Cleaning urine drops from a shoe and one's feet


1. How to make a shoe paak which has urine drops? I put water over it three times. I am not finding anywhere how to make a shoe paak

2. If I wash a chicken for cooking and its blood flows in the wash sink, does it make the wash basin napaak? Also, is it necessary to make a cloth paak if the blood of that chicken sticks on it?

3. If someone gets urine drops on feet and then wash it with soap and pour water on feet twice or thrice, is it sufficient or is there any other way to get it paak? Can the same method of washing be applied if someone gets urine on any other part of the body?