
Employer forgetting to pay the employee

Q: I am working as a madressa aapa. The person who employed me is old and sometimes forgets to pay me for up to 3 months. I don't mind, and when he does sometimes he forgets a month etc. Someone told me that he will be held accountable on the Day of Judgement which I don't want as he is old and forgetful and also like a father figure to me. Do I just make duaa and ask Allah not to hold him accountable.

Employer cheating the customers

Q: I am working in Singapore. I am in charge for some oil carrying ships of a company. I would prepare the ships technically to run smoothly. But I don't involve myself in the operation department. But my boss cheats the customers by supplying oils short. For eg: instead of 5000 MT, 4600 MT will be supplied through the help of the operation department. Kindly advise whether my earnings are halaal? Though I am not involved myself in these activities, I feel that my earnings are haraam and my duas will not be accepted.

Making the employee pay taxes

Q: An employee works for a company and his stipulation is not set at the beginning. He is paid an amount less than the market rate for such a job. Secondly, the employer places the entire burden of taxes on the employee, whereas the employer is required by law to pay 7.65%. The employee works because he cannot find another job currently, is this Zulm on the part of the employer?

Is it permissible for him to take on clients on the side and complete work in the office and keep the compensation for that? What if he pays for his own supplies such as papers, pens, etc?

Assigning one's affairs to Allah Ta'ala

Q: I am working in Dubai, in a private company as an accountant. The company pays me less compared to my work and responsibility. As an accountant I should get much more as per UAE market. The owner of the company pays more in back hand to those staff who belong to his relatives or his group. I was watching all this things and finally I have decided to leave the company and start looking for a job. Al-hamdulillah finally I got a job. Now time to resign from this company and join the new company, I gave resignation letter and mentioned the reason being my family problems because I knew if I have said the original reason, they will never allow me to go. After my resign letter the owner of the company called me and miss behaved with me and then the owner with his son's assistance attacked me, he slap me, kick me in front of the office staff. Even they abused me, they used very bad words against my father. After the incident they threatened me that if I complain to police they would take action against my family in India (me and my owner  belong to the same area). I know they are very powerful and I can't do anything against them,they have very good relations in higher class people in UAE and I belong to middle class family. After the matter, I feel very sad. I am trying to forget but I can't. I can't sleep at night. I can't show my face to other staff. I feel very hurt. I hope you understand my situation. After that I have decided I can't get the respect which I have lost at that day. I can't get justice in this world. So I have decided to complain to Al Mighty Allah. Can you please explain to me what will the justice be for me according to Quran and Hadith so I can expect this justice from Almighty Allah in this world and Aakhirat also. Please explain.