
Abusive father

Q: My parents have been divorced. My father who is a foreigner lives alone. He is verbally and emotionally abusive to myself and siblings. I want to maintain good relations with him however each time I would try to engage with him he would react abusively by saying nasty things about my family members and by cursing myself and family members. (Cursing my mother, brother, sister, husband, etc.). What should I do? Is there any Amal I could do in particular to help this situation?

Mother abusing her daughter

Q: My mother verbally abuses me a lot and says it's her right as a parent to treat me how she wants, whenever I try to say anything she says I'm rude, ungrateful etc I know Islam says to respect parents no matter what but I can't help but feel resentment towards her and I can't handle her doing this anymore. What is the Islamic perspective on a situation like this one?

Marital problems

Q: I am married for 15 years with 3 kids. My husband takes care of us financially but he has been cheating on me. He drinks and stays with other women and abuses me physically and mentally. He does not want to divorce but wants me gone with kids. But otherwise he is very nice to everyone else, he helps people, donates for mosques, does charity. Does this make him a good person? What do I do? Please help me do the right thing. I have been tolerating him for the sake of my kids but i m distraugt inside.

Husband asking for talaaq

Q: My husband is very abusive and has anger issues. He is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. Whenever he is in this state, he tells me our marriage is over. Our last fight I decided to go as I was hurt. We text daily and he would be nice and some times ugly. Yesterday he texted. I want my Talaaq, I want my Talaaq you better arrange my Talaaq, is this valid as a Talaaq? 

Abusing and cursing people

Q: How would have our Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reacted to those people who would hurt his parents if they were alive. Hurting to the extent destroying their social life, giving physical pain, etc. Can we pray for there destruction who have troubled our parents so much. Except dua we have nothing

Abusing one's mother

Q: If a woman brings her ill mother to her home as there is no one to look after her, but her husband is not pleased with that and mentally tortures her and gives her a very tough time. That woman gets angry on her mother and beats her. But later she realised and said sorry and felt very guilty. Is there any kuffara for that and if she really is guilty will Allah Ta'ala forgive her as she always asks forgiveness for her act and she is guilty by heart.

Convincing one's mother to get a divorce

Q: My father has been treating my mother with unnecessary banter and quarrels for about 20 years now. I don't remember a time in my house where we openly laughed. My father does not love my mother, because if he did he'd see the pain he's causing her. My father yells at my mother for no reason and accuses her of such she didn't do. He doesn't trust her as well. He's been causing her all this pain and she's been dealing with it just for her two daughters. I suggested she divorce him. My dad has had a previous wife as well which he divorced. What should I do? Should I convince my mom to get a divorce and be happy?