
Did Abu Talib accept Islam?

Q: Why is there a lot of ikhtilaaf on the Imaan of Hazrat Abu Talib? Some say he is Kafir, some say Sahaabi and some say to keep queit about Hazrat Abu Talib?

My Question is that if a person like me who does not have much knowladge about Islam, by talking about Hazrat Abu Talib, will my Iman be snatched away? Is this a part of basic Aqeeda or Belief? Please Explain?

Swearing god

Q: Back when I didn't know much about Islam, I used to occasionally say swear words like 'oh my ******* God'. I, by no means intended to insult Allah, and was mostly unaware of what I was saying, it would just come out of my mouth automatically. Did this take me out of the fold of Islam? If so, do my prayers between then and me coming back to Islam not count. I am very regretful for every saying it and would never repeat such stuff intentionally now.

Doubting one's imaan

Q: Ever since I was young I wasn't that close to Allah but I started sining and decided that I will repent to Allah and inshallah he will forgive me I started praying doing good deeds after exactly a month from doing tawbuh I started getting doubts it ruined my entire life until I went online and found that the companions of our prophet Mohammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam had doubts and the prophet told them that this is pure iman so I wanted to make sure if I'm on the correct path or not or Allah will punish me for doubts and what can I do to let them go.

Doubts on Imaan

Q: I am just worried and getting anxiety worrying and thinking if:

1. If my nikah is valid with my husband. Alhumdulillah we are so happy but the thought comes that, did your husband ever said divorce? I never heard him say it.

2. If hurmate musaahara took place anytime? If my dad's nikah is valid? I'm just worring and thinking that suppose hurmate musaahara took place. Supposed my dad's nikah is not valid. Suppose my nikah is not valid. I'm so happy masha allah with my husband but these thoughts come.

3. I am not sure if sure hurmate musaahara took place. I am getting these thoughts that supposed it was lust when I shook my sisters hand or my husband's. Those thoughts don't come only when my father touched or shakes my hand or touch me.

4. Now in my mind I think that hurmate musaahara happened when some feeling comes in your vagina or that liquid comes out when you are ready for sex. So when my dad shakes my hand I think that if something is happening in my vagina, even before my father shakes my hand, I am scared.

5. Now I'm also worried and I'm getting thoughts about my Imaan. I listen to bayaans and I keep reading the kalimah. I say I am a Muslim. I am not feeling in my heart who I was before. Is it kufr to say so? Is my nikah valid? Thoughts of hadith, Islam, Quraan and Allah comes in my mind. I know Islam is a true religion but I'm not feeling the sukoon that I get thoughts on religion. When I listen to a bayan and listen to stories of sahaba and about our prophet and what he went through for us, I feel it in my heart and I don't have the feeling in my heart. I keep reading the Kalimah and i get thoughta that am I a Muslim? I say to myself yes I am a muslim. Please help me and make dua for me. Allah keep me steadfast on deen n make me die with Imaan.