strengthening Imaan

Stray thoughts

Q: I am so lost I cry everynight for guidance for a little sign from Allah and I beg Allah to help me but nothing ever happens. I begin to wonder if, when you die, that's it, the end. What if Allah is not there but somthing else is?

Also, would you advise to stop watching videos online as they have misguided me and my iman before.

Restoring one's Imaan

Q: All my life I had been a Muslim but recently I began to watch videos on athiesm. At first I didn't believe them but now they have destroyed my iman. I begin to think why would Allah need to create humans and why does Allah not just show Himself? If humanity was created to perfection, why is there so much pain in the world and lastly why is there no clear proof. Please I want to restore my faith I feel so lost.

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: I was a non-Muslim girl with staying with parents. I left my home and parents without any reason. I left my home when my age was 17 and now I am 29 years old. I converted to Islam at the age of 18 and still am. I had stayed alone and still stay alone. I have went through many hurdles in my life and still going on. Many people used me for their benefits. Now a days I don't know why but my Imaan is getting weaker. It is not like that I don't trust Allah Ta'ala or have no more faith but due to my problems and not becoming any good things in life I am getting worried.

There is much more to say but don't know how should I open up as there is no one in my life to share my each good and bad things.

Strengthening one's Imaan

Q: My imaan is getting weak day by day. Sometimes it comes in my zehan that what if other religions are also right. What should I do now? I am very afraid that Allah will get angry with me. Please guide me. I do tawba to Allah Ta'ala for this thought. Tell me how can I make my Imaan strong.