
Making a vow in one's mind

Q: I made a niyat of doing a sacrifice. If one of my problems is solved then I will sacrifice this thing in front of Allah. But I want to take that back before my problem gets solved because I think I will break this niyat or promise after my problem is solved.

Performing Salaatul ihraam in the airport and making the intention of ihraam before approaching the Meeqaat


1. Can a person make his salatul ihraam e.g. at JHB Airport and only make his niyyat before approaching the miqaat when flying on Saudia Airways for umrah?

2. Similarly, can a person make his salaatul ihraam at Dubai Airport and only make his niyyat as approaching the miqaat when flying Emirates?

3. When landing in Dubai, it is already fajr time, we made salaatul ihraam and thereafter read fajr salaat because we had to leave for Jeddah. Is it Ok to read salaatul ihraam in fajr time, before we read fajr. If not, how should it be done?

Musaafir staying in a place with the intention of leaving before 15 days

Q: I have travelled with my family safar distance to a major city with many suburbs within it, we will be staying in the madressa property in this city, for 2 months and then returning to our town.

We are already here 2 weeks. I never intended staying in the madressa for full 15 days as yet, as i was trying to take out a 3 days jamaat over the weekend, and spending time with this jamaat in another suburb of this big city.

Over the past 2 weekends the jamaat did not materialise and I still have intention to take it out next weekend.

Therefore I still do not have the niyyat yet to stay inside the madressa property for 15 days. However, as from tomorrow it will be that i already stayed 15 full days in the madressa (though not intending it).

1. Am i a musaafir or muqeem?

And what was I all these days?

2. Also what is the general masla regarding big cities with different suburbs? Are they regarded as one big place or different places when it comes to musaafir and muqeem.

Making a vow in one's heart


1. I made an intention that if there is a certain outcome I will give money in Sadaqah, the outcome occurred, is it permissible to use the money to pay for the postage of clothes parcel to relatives in India?

2. If it isn't permissible where can I give the Sadaqah money (what can the Sadaqah money be used for)?