
Going to a hindu woman for massages for medical reasons

Q: I am a woman. I have sluggish blood circulation problem and severe anemia leading to weak heart and CHD. I do not wish to take the allopathic treatment which eventually leads to operations. I have been advised to take body massage as alternative. Can I go for massages by a hindu ayurvedic lady doctor. I am a married woman with grown up children.

Herbal teas

Q: I was wondering, since we as Muslims need to break away totally from all forms of shirk, is it permissible to drink tea from companies that use doasit, or ayurvedic medicine? I am concerned with the companies using medicinal protocols that stem from shirk. Although the teas of herbal formulations would be completely halaal in terms of just being plant made, can we still buy and use them due to them being derived form those kinds of wrong medicial practices?

Herbal teas

Q: I was wondering, since we as Muslims need to break away totally from all forms of shirk, is it permissible to drink tea from companies that use doasit, or ayurvedic medicine? I have a legitimate illness.