good character

Choosing a daughter in law

Q: My son is 20 years old and wants to get married. We know that we should not stop him. The girl however is not of good character. On the one hand we are taught to choose a spouse of good character and on the other hand we are taught to forgive and assist with reformation of character. Which takes presidence? Do we allow and guide her or do we say no to the marriage?

Basis for accepting a proposal

Q: I need help because I am in very big trouble and I'm going through a very difficult situation.

My parents have been searching for a good match for me. Since the last two years many proposals came but some were rejected. I have always dreamed of a perfect guy. I know I am wrong in this regard. I rejected many becuse I always compare people with others who are spending a perfect life. Another proposal came and my elders liked him as they are way worried of my future life. But he is not educated to my level although he is lucky to have a stable job. But he is not good looking, educated, like my previous rishtas. I don’t even know much of his family history. Just know that he is good Muslim with better character. I am constantly comparing him with prior proposals and pondering over my mistake. I am so guilty. My parents want me to marry him but i still dont. I cant say no to my parents now cause they are forcing me and worried as well. am I also afraid of Allah punishment. Plz help me out what should I do? My heart and mind is not preparing for it since i have tried a lot. 

Is becoming a good person more important than performing salaah?

Q: I have some doubts in my mind. Mostly people say offering prayers is the first thing every Muslim should do even if he is committing any sin. I have a question does Quraan really say that offering prayers is the first priority and becoming a good peson who does good deeds is secondary thing because in todays world we see many people who offer prayers but commit sin and on the contrary there are people who are good human but dont pray. So I really want to know what Allah says about this is becoming a good person more important or offering prayer. Although I know that mostly people say that through prayers one can only become a good person but what about those who perform good deeds but dont offer prayers that too often

Showing good character

Q: I have my friend from France and he asked me this question:

His father was a Catholic before, and now he's a Muslim. When his father was a Catholic, he was a good leader to them but when he became a Muslim, he is always angry at them even though they don't do bad things. My friend said that he always crys because before they were happy and full of love but now his father is always mad at their mom. Their mom is always getting hurt by him. My friend wants to know if this has anything to do with Islam?

Showing good character

Q: So, one of my cousins accuses me of talking negative about her behind her back at the time we were good, I'm not that close to my cousins who live locally near me although I want to be, so I was close with this one cousin she accused me of talking negative about her behind her back and she didn't give me time to explain and ignored me, I never once talked negative about her behind her back, before she ignored me she finished the chat saying she wants to cut me out of her life forever, months later my parents tried to get her and me to start talking again , she then told me that someone said that I had been backstabbing her, i was shocked since I never talk to anyone in my family (meaning cousins) and I wouldn't talk about her behind her back anyway , I then asked her what did I "supposedly say about you" as in what did this person say to you that I apparently had said , I also asked her who said this about me, she said No I can't tell you because I'm the Quran it says that breaking a promise whether it is bad or good is haram , I then said why would you tell me that someone said that I said something negative about you behind my back yet you won't tell me what they said or who they are ? Is it a bigger sin to cover up for another persons sin and not tell the victim what has been said? How am I meant to get self justice for myself. Till now my cousins still ignore and now have been arguing with my brother "exposing sins"