surah faatiha

Qiraat in salaah


1. Is it compulsory to recite Tasmiyyah before Surah Fatiha in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th rakaats of Salaah.

2. If we mistakenly recite Surah Naas in the first rakaat of Salaah, how do we continue with the rest of Rakaats? Will Sajda-e-Sahw be compulsory?

3. If I mistakenly recite a Surah in the second rakaat which is earlier in order to what was recited in the first rakaat, should an additional latter Surah be recited if it is realised within the rakaat?

Mistakes in taraweeh salaah

Q: With regards to Taraaweeh:

1. An Aayah was recited correctly. The Imaam thereafter repeated the Aayah and changed it (incorrectly) due to some doubt. Is the initial correct recitation or the second recitation which was incorrect taken into consideration? Does the Aayah have to be repeated?

2. For the purpose of listening to the Luqmah of a Saami', the Imaam remained silent for the duration of 3 Subhaanallaah or more (he did not recite Qiraat for that duration). Should Sajdat-us-Sahw be made?

3. Additionally, if a person because of some disturbance missed an Aayah in Surah Faatihah, or one sentence in his At-Tahiyyat, does he have to make Sajdatut-us-Sahw? To what extent is the Surah Faatihah and At-Tahiyyat Waajib? 


Q: I had a dream that my son was performing salaah and I could here him over the receiver. When he was reading surah Faatiha and he came to انعمت عليهم someone repeated the words as is in luqma and he repeated the words. In the second rakaat the same action occured. Can Mufti Saheb please explain.