
Meat slaughtered in non Hanafi countries

Q: Is it permissible for us to eat meat slaughtered in non Hanafi countries, such as Malaysia or Saudi Arabia? The reason I'm asking is that we can't be 100% that the meat is halaal according to Hanafi standards. For example, in Malaysia (Shafie) there is a possibility that it would have been slaughtered intentionally without the tasmiyah being pronounced, as this is valid in the Shafie madhab. Also, there is a difference of opinion on how many veins that needs to be cut in the different schools - not all require three veins to be cut like the Hanafis do. Since the asl of meat is hurmah, do these doubts make it impermissible to eat the meat in non-Hanafi countries? If yes, would the ruling be different if a person permanently moves to one of these countries, since it would be difficult to permanently live as a vegetarian there.

Following one's nafs

Q: Please can you advise if it is permissible for one to claim to be half Shaafi'ee and half Hanafi i.e. incorporate Shaafi'ee rulings that they have taken a liking to into their daily lives. Hence they declare themselves part Shaafi'ee and part Hanafi. If this is not permissible, please advise the harms and dangers this poses to ones Imaan.