Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I understand that after a miscarriage, the blood will be considered nifas if the miscarried fetus had any sort of physical development, like a limb has been formed. Approximately how many weeks is this at? I’ve heard that it should be a minimum of 3 months. Also, is the heart beat considered? If no limb has formed but the heart beat can be heard? Because the heart beat can be heard very early in the pregnancy.

Making dua after nifaas

Q: Relatives are telling me that when my 40 days of nifaas (postpartum) are over, my husband should make a prayer or dua as it is what the elders have done. I am asking if this is stated in any hadith and if it is required to do so.

Spotting after abortion

Q: I have questions related to Islamic activities like prayer, reciting Quran and fasting, sexual relations, etc. My wife was pregnant for 2 month's but the growth of the embryo has stopped after 1 month(4 weeks). After 2 month's we came to know the problem and the doctor advised to get D&C (abortion). Now even after 12 days, her menstrual cycle has not started and she is just spotting after 1 or 2 days on her pad. I want to know Islamically, do we consider it as menstrual bleeding or istihada?

Whitish discharge after haidh

Q: I am unsure of how to count my period days as, usually, even when I am not bleeding or on my period I have a small amount (the size of a two rand coin approx) slightly yellow/cream colored discharge or perhaps this may even be from sweat as I don't feel it coming out. So, when I count my period days, towards the end of my period about 8 days in, I see this yellow/cream color on my sanitary towel. Would this be considered as the end of my Haidh as it is the normal color that is always on my sanitary liner? Do I make a ghusl when I see this color or do I wait a full ten days. I am unsure as there is never actually no color on my liner, and, all of the masalas that I have read say that you have to wait for your sanitary liner to be completely white,but, I never experience that my sanitary liner is completely white.

Blood not flowing for few days during one's haidh

Q: Does a woman have to pray during the periods of dryness during the beginning of her menses? For example, a woman who normally has a heavy period that lasts over a week, notices a small burst of blood during the time she is expecting her period, but then experiences a day of two of dryness (though she expects her period will resume), then the blood starts really flowing.

Does she have to pray during the day or two? If so, does she have to make ghusl before praying? How many days is the period of purity according to the hanafi Madhab?

Lastly, does a woman consider her menses started if the blood is still in the inside of her private part (has not yet flowed to the outer, visible part)? For example, if she inserts a piece of tissue into the inner part of her private part (inside the hole, where it is not visible) and it comes back with blood, but the blood does not flow to the outer part for about half of a day (such that if she wipes the outer part, the tissue comes back clean), is she still considered on her period during this time?