Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Spotting during tuhr period


1. A girl who spots brown during her 15 days of tuhoor period but from after the 15th day onwards she doesn’t spot anything, will she still look at her tuhoor habit or will she start counting her haidh from when she sees blood

2. A girls habit is 9 days. One month a girl bleeds for 4 days and then is clean for 12 days then starts bleeding again. What is her ruling? 

Irregular bleeding

Q: May I please have advice on the following: I normally get my haidh after approx 23-26 days. It starts with heavy red bleeding. However, on sunday morning (the 15th) there was a lighter brown discharge. I did not count it as haidh and performed salaah for the whole day. On Sunday evening, there was a darker brown discharge that was a bit more in quantity, so I counted that as haidh. On Monday, Tuesday, and today, there is no dark brown discharge but a rather faint light brown. I have not been reading salaah etc. My haidh according to general would have only been due at the end of this weekend or so. This brown was on the 17th clean day which is unusual for me to get so early. I feel like these 3 days have been istihaadha. I am confused whether I should start reading salaah again and not count this, or must I still count this as haidh? When red bleeding starts in may be another few days time, would I count haidh days from this past sunday (15th) or from when the red bleeding starts? Is the light brown before red counted as haidh or not? One of my apas had said that you do not count the brown before the haidh but you count the brown when the haidh is ending. Is this correct?