
Cleaning thoroughly in istinja

Q: I passed stool and made istinja and I checked with tissue there was no impurity then i did wudhu and I felt there is some impurity but I did not clean it as I was not sure about it. I offered namaz in this condition and after namaaz I checked so there was impurity. Then I cleaned it off and I did wudhu and offered namaaz again. Now I am very worried that as I had offered naamaz with impurity so my Imaan lasts or not? Do I have to do ghusal? I recited Kalima shareef and made tauba but still I am so worried. Please guide.

Urine drops after making istinja

Q: As a person suffering from voluntary drops of urine after making Istinja'a, in prayer and in some other times.

1- Can I pray like that?

2- Can I lead salaahs? People sometimes choose me to lead the salaah because I have memorized the Qur'an.

3- Whenever I go to the mosque, I also pray nawaafils. After I reach home, I use to recite the Qur'an, must I re-perform ablution for the recitation or I will use that of the salaah, for all the time wasted?

4- I heard that a person like me can't perform two obligatory prayers with one ablution, when will I perform ablution for each salaah? Is it after or before adhaan?

5- If after maghrib I stay at the mosque, if it comes to time for isha'i, must I perform istinja'a before ablution?

6- Can I pray more salaah with that cloth?

Urine splashes

Q: Whilst doing istinja and washing away the urine, sometimes water goes towards the inner thighs, but is this water considered najis. Do I have to wash my thighs and my hand after washing away the urine, or is it considered clean because water is continuously running. I feel like I have to use more water this way and I'm not sure if I should be washing everything.

Water on the toilet seat

Q: I really need some advice on the principle of cleanliness. I use to see water sometimes go underneath the toilet seat and then onto the floor of the toilet. However, before I never realised this and carried on wearing sandals from the toilet to the bathroom, and sometimes walked in the toilet barefoot.

1) Does this mean the toilet floor and bathroom floor are najas because of water being transferred? Also, ever since buying a new toilet seat I have seen that this one doesn't allow water to fall from beneath the toilet seat onto the floor but my brother goes in barefoot and walks into the bathroom like that. When I usually clean the toilet seat I see urine underneath, which most likely means the water on the floor was najas all this time. I don't know if my toilet was mopped before or not, but

2) does this mean najas water has been tread on and transferred by foot everywhere. Also, I wash the sandals every time I see them flipped face downwards on the bathroom floor, even though this can be time consuming. I use to suffer from a lot of waswasa many years ago and pray to never go there again. I really need some clarity on this matter because I worry I might over do cleaning things again. I might be overthinking this because my mum also walks into the bathroom barefoot sometimes and even when the floor is wet, which makes me think I might be losing my mind again, but I don't ask her anything about it Incase she thinks I've lost my mind again.

3) If my family walk barefoot on the bathroom floor and then wear a clean pair of sandals I've washed, do I have to wash them again?

4) Furthermore, do I have to wipe the toilet seat with a dry tissue and then with a wet one every time I find the lid open? Does it matter if someone before me didn't wipe the toilet seat dry after finding the toilet lid open? (Sorry for making it very long) I have owned two hoovers so far, and the old one was used in the bathroom when the floor was wet but I didn't know much about cleanliness back then. With the new one, I don't remember if I've used it on the bathroom floor when it was wet, but I am 100% sure that I've used the shorter top end of it to clean the floor when it was wet. Does this mean the whole Hoover is najas; because I don't remember if I touched other parts of it with wetness on my hand.

5) what should I do to clean the Hoover? Do I just wipe the shorter end of it and leave it at that.

Finding impurity on one's body after istinja

Q: Please can you help me with the following?

1. Yesterday after passing stool I showered and cleaned myself to the best of my ability. Later that day when I cleaned myself in the toilet I found my private parts were still a bit dirty. I am now concerned that due to the fact that I showered and dried myself i could have spread the najaasat all over my body and therefore wherever i sat during the day and possibly perspired could have become napaak. Please let me know if this is in fact the case and whether I have to go back and wash all the areas i sat on during the day, including my towel shoes etc

2. Sometimes after cleaning I notice a dead insect on the cloth that I have cleaned my house with, would this then make all the items I wiped with that cloth napaak and is it necessary for me to wash these items three times?

3. We were out at a restaurant with family and friends and when we got home I realised that my daughter had urinated in her pants. I then began to get concerned that she was sitting on the chairs in the restaurant and touching everything there including the food, utensils etc. Furthermore she also sat on our family and friends laps and touched their belongings. I am not sure how wet her clothes were at the time and whether the urine has made all these things napaak. Please can you advise me as to what to do in this situation.