washing hands

How many times should one wash impurity off one's hands?

Q: I want to ask that if one's hands are very dirty e.g. if urine drops can be seen on one's hands then how many times should the hands be washed. Beyond that limit of washing, will it be a sin. I'm asking this because I'm getting mad day by day as I wash my hands for 20 to 25 times with soap, so it very irritatating to wash so many times as I'm not getting satisfied that my hands are now clean.

Correct way of washing the hands in wudhu

Q: According to the Hanafi Math-hab I'd like to know the correct way of washing the hands upto the wrists. I teach in a maktab madrassah and we used to teach them to first wash the right hand including the wrist three times and then to wash the left hand including the wrist three times but we were told that that is incorrect and it has to be as follows:

To wash both hands including the wrists three times and the action has to be done in such a way that you would alternate e.g you would first wash the right hand then the left hand and then the right hand, so the right hand would end up getting washed twice and the left once.

Can you please advise on how it should be taught to the kids.

Washing one's hand after cleaning the toilet

Q: I have a western style toilet and one day after urinating and defecating in it, I flushed it. However, because there was a lot of tissue in the bowl, the toilet became blocked and the bowl filled up with water after flushing. I put my arm in this water to try and unblock it. As far as I can remember, the water looked clean. One or two tissues with feces stuck on them remained in the water, however. But as I mentioned, I don't think the toilet water had its characteristics changed. Did my arm become najis when it was immersed in this water? Because I'm unsure that the characteristics of the water were changed after flushing, do I have to assume it was najis as the water was definitely filthy prior to flushing? Please put my heart at ease as I'm worried najasah has been spread.