
What to look for in a potential suitor

Q: I am really confused. Everyone says that in life you can't focus too much on beauty when it comes to a potential suitor. Then, they say "no. But you have to be attracted to him". But then if I am not attracted to anyone except for a very specific few, then "no, you're being too fussy and need to lower your expectations in life" then when I say okay, how do I lower my expectations? How do I force myself to be attracted to somebody who doesn't really match up to what I had in mind? Then they say "No. don't lower your expectations, expect the best from Allah and have faith that he'll give you what you want" then I say okay fine I expect the best. Then they show me somebody and I can't find it in my heart to have the slightest bit of attraction towards them then they say "if you don't find this person good looking you need to lower your expectations" then I ask how , "no have faith in Allah, you'll get what you want" ... so I don't know what to do. first they say expect from Allah then they say lower your expectations. Which do I do and HOW? It's not as if I'm only focusing on looks, I want piety and looks in a person and I'm not willing to compromise on either. Money is not a main focus but looks and piety are. I have never spoken to any non mahrams much in life so i feel like why should my first relationship ever be with someone that is unappealing to my eye? It's not as if I feel deserving or entitled or think that I'm so holy for not ever engaging in haraam relations but I just think it might be a disappointment to have the one relationship you ever have be with someone you just can't seem to be attracted to. Also. If I read "Rabbana Hablana Min Azwajina Wa Dhhuriyatina Qurata A'yewnew waj Alna Lil mutaqina imaama" will I get someone who I find good looking? Because it's a dua for our spouses to be the coolness of our eyes and he can only be a coolness to my eyes if I am attracted to him right? And I will only be attracted to him if he meets my expectations which means that all I have to do is read this dua and have faith and not lower my expectations right?

Girl not happy to get married to the boy her parents have chosen for her

Q: My marriage proposal is going on and my family members selected one boy for me. My family likes this proposal as the boy is hafiz e quran and amil too. I m a Modern muslim girl,i wear hijab ,I follow farzs things about islam and some times I do not follow each and every sunnah. I do pray 4 times salaah (namaz). Many a times I miss fajar salaah also. I read quran but not daily. I fast whole ramadan month. but other then this I do not do taraaweeh namaz in the month of ramadan. My inner feelings says that i should not marry this boy as I am afraid to marry him as he is hafiz e quran and alim and he follows each and every sunnah. If I marry him I also have to obey everything what he says if I do not listen then I will commit a sin so I m very much afraid and said no to this proposal initially the other reason to say no to this proposal is he is not having pleasant personality but my parents are happy with this proposal. I don't know what to do. If I reject, I feel that I am disobeying Allah and my parents also and if I accept this proposal and marry him, after marrying if I don't accept him as my husband as he is not having a pleasant personality and each day if I regret and dislike him will also increase my sins. And if I do not listen each and everything what he says and follows about each sunnah then my sins will increase each and every second. I am very much afraid. Please do suggest me according to Islam. I do not want to commit any sin. In my view what I feel is if I reject him now its less sin and if I marry him for the sake of my parents then my whole life I will do one or the other sin and if incase any divorce then the big sin. Please do suggest me I am very much afraid. Suggest some good advice so that my heart gets relief.

Marrying a non-Gujraati boy

Q: A friend states the following problem he is in. He has been in contact with a girl for just under two years. The girls parents agree for them to make nikaah but the girl's granny (daadi) refuses for it to happen since the boy is not Gujraati speaking, he is from an Urdu background. The granny has brought numerous guys to view the girl despite her not agreeing. So the father of the girl is trapped between his daughter and his mother. She also says that it is not jaaiz for the two since he is from a lower cast and what will her family say to them. My friend wants to make nikaah with the girl and she is afraid of marrying another person since she has opened up herself to him and he is the only guy she has been in contact with. So she cannot get into nikaah with someone else because she will fall into haraam with this guy again. Please advise should the guy's family approach the girl's family for a nikaah?