
Water splashing when making istinja

Q: I am facing a weird issue for the past couple of weeks. I have observed that while performing istinja on an Indian toilet, the water splashes from the toilet surface and there is a chance that these splashes might end up on one's body, clothes or shoes.

What is the Islamic ruling for such splashes? From my part, I try very hard to avoid water from splashing but the water ends up splashing anyways. 

Discharge after passing urine

Q: I suffer with bad thoughts that come into my mind during istinja. I always wipe and check to see if discharge came out and would see white discharge. It would worry me if mani came out and so I would check after passing urine and before cleaning. Sorry for this amount of detail. Because I used to feel discharge coming out I would check again and again.

1. Should I stop checking and always consider it to be mazi and not mani?

2. Also, in order for it to be mani, shouldn't the volume of the amount be a lot. I always feel it's a tiny bit. That's why I've taken it to be mazi as it's time consuming and bringing back waswas in to my life.

Using a wet tissue when making istinjaa


1. I want to know if wiping with a dry tissue then wiping with a wet tissue during istinjaa is okay before making wudu and praying because I read that using a wet tissue spreads the najasat. What if I wipe with a dry tissue first?

2. I notice sometimes that the water from the toilet seat splashes back after I flush but I am not certain if it came to me or not, so is this water najis?

Using a western toilet


1. Is it allowed to use the western toilet in Islam?

2. While performing instinja on an indian toilet, water splashed on my feet and body from my private parts. Also sometimes, water splashes from the toilet surface. Are these splashes impure? 

Washing oneself after istibraa

Q: When I first started doing istibraa after going toilet about 2 years ago, I never used to do it properly for about the first 8 months. I used to go to the toilet and without waiting for all the urine drops to come out I used to wash myself. At that time I didn't even realise that I had to wait for all the urine drops to come out. After washing myself I would then wrap some toilet paper around my private part and after about half an hour I used to take out the toilet paper but I never used to wash myself again. I didn't realise that I had to wash myself again.

My question is, do I have to make qadha of all my salaahs in this period of about 8 months? I also was imam for many salaahs.