
Dua before entering the toilet

Q: How is the dua before entering the bathroom to be said? Is it the top or bottom one? Some books say it as the top one and others say it as the bottom one. Both of them have a slight variation which is a difference between of not having a dhamma (khubthi) and having a dhamma (khubuthi) on the baa in the word which I've put in parenthesis (one without a u and one with a u). As you can see below, one dua has a sukoon on the baa while the other dua has a dhamma on the baa in the words khubthi/khubuthi. Why is there a difference in this dua, if it's the same dua, shouldn't it be said the same way in all the books, why do some books say it differently? And which one is the correct one? Also, do we pronounce the kasra on the last letter of the last word and say wal khabaaithi or wal khabaaith because the transliteration says khabaaith even though you can see that the letter thaa has a kasra below it in both Duas shown below.

اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبْثِ وَالْخَبَاﺋِﺚِ


اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنَ الْخُبُثِ وَالْخَبَائِثِ

Water falling onto the toilet seat

Q: I used to make istinja while standing. I used to pour water on the hands and then wash my private part and water would fall on my clothes and floor. Now someone told me that I should sit on the toilet seat and make istinja. But my question is that if I sit on the toilet seat and while washing water falls on the toilet seat, does the seat became impure. There is every chance that when I pour water on private part it will drip.

Urine problem

Q: Sorry for asking a question every time regarding incontinence of urine. A mazoor has to wash his private part and make wudhu for every prayer right?

1. So can I clean my private part with wet tissue paper (by putting tissue in water) and do wudhu?

2. After finishing one namaz, i just replace the tissue paper with fresh tissue paper and make wudhu and pray. I don't clean my private part for another namaaz. For example I have clean private part for asr prayer, make wudhu and pray magrib. I only replace tissue paper in my undergarments and make wudhu and pray. I don't the clean private part for maghrib. Am I doing it right?

Toilet facing the qibla

Q: What should one do in a situation where, after having purchased a house, it transpires that the toilets and baths in the house are facing Kibla. Because of the way the house is built, it is only possible to move the toilets and/or the baths to the opposite walls but that would mean that one’s back would then be facing Kibla. Please advise.

Urine splashes

Q: I was urinating in the toilet, I was careful not to try and avoid any splash back so I put some tissue into the toilet. After urinating I noticed 2 specks of urine on my left fingers. I could not see any other specks of urine. Are specks of urine overlooked completely. Also I was washing my private area, I find it easy to use the tap and run water over it, that is the only way at work, after water had run off my private area (penis) some water splashed back. Is this water najis or not?