
Breaking an oath

Q: I made an oath that I won’t do a particular thing ever again (anytime in the future). If do it then will it be considered as shirk? Now I broke it so does that mean whenever I do it again it will be considered as shirk even after I broke the oath?

Breaking an oath

Q: One of my friends was a chain smoker until recently. Even after many attempts he was unable to give up smoking. Finally one day he took an oath by holding Quran paak in his hand that he would never smoke again. But after few days he started smoking again. So what is the kaffara of the oath which he took on Quran. 

Kaffarah for breaking a fast of Ramadhaan

Q: About 12 years ago when I was 22 (I guess so), I broke my fast intentionally (I don't want to mention the reason but all I can say is I was with my fiance. And I did not know that the kuffara will be to fast for 60 days consecutively. Now after so many years, I have not only realized that I committed a sin but want to do the kuffara and repent. Please explain to me the procedure and if there are any alternatives and what is more appropriate for me to do.