poor people

Working for a company that educates poor people about banking

Q: I have a question regarding working for a non-government organization(NGO). The name of the organization is swisscontact. This organization does not work for profit. They work in many sectors like, health, education, earning and so on. One of their work is to make awareness of the banking facilities to the poor who do not hold any bank account and unable to do regular banking activities.

I may get a job offer in this organization. My job will be to hire agents who will work in the field level to educate people about banking activities. My job will be to manage these agents who will create awareness among people about conventional banking. Conventional banking may include savings account, savings schemes, loans, etc.

There will be some banks who will have a contract with my organization (swisscontact). This is a project based work and it is donor funded. My organization doesn’t earn from the bank or interest. This organization runs its operations from donor money. Can I work for this Company in this role?

Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor

Q: There are many needy people in my area. I am helping them in whatever way I can with my hard-earned money. However, this is not enough as the needy people are too many. Can I buy a lottery ticket every month with the intention that if I get lucky enough to win, I will help them with the prize money? I won’t touch a single penny from that amount for my personal use.

Giving sadaqah to poor people

Q: I have put a box in my cupboard in which I put the sadaqa amount and when a considerable amount gets together, I give them in charity. I have told my friends about it and they also sometimes contribute in it. The method I adopt regarding charity is that I visit a near by area where mostly poor people live. Then I search for those who are apparently religious as well as needy. The standard of needy that I look at is that one who is apparently really suffering to make both ends meet though he has a fruit stall or an animal like donkey for picking loads for people and carrying them elsewhere. I know that there must be much more needy ones but with this methodology, is my sadqa discharged properly because I think that giving to charity organization may be better but doing so one does not get the real feeling of the poor which one gets by searching them. So I prefer this method.