
Manipulating one's CV to get a job

Q: I am an engineer. I did manipulate my resume to get a job and I have experience in that job but I added no. of years experience in my resume because companies usually looks for no. of years experience. But I resigned from that company because I felt guilty and confused about haram or halal. On my previous company I did my work very well and I am a hard worker too. Is manipulating the resume is haram? If it is, then what about making money through that job and spending it for my family and my entire life? From last one year I don't have any job and i got no. of job offers with the previous resume and I rejected it. But this time I am so confused because in one place I saw it is fine if your giving 100 percentage to the company but there is no authentic sources. Now I got a offer letter and confused about it.

Working at massage centres

Q: I'm a Sri lankan living in Abu Dhabi, UAE. Due to some reasons I discontinued my job for last few weeks and now am jobless, but now I have got an opportunity to work at a massage center in the city with good payments and I don't know what kind of services do they provide and also I feel like it could be a prostitute center so is it ok to go and work with them? Sorry for my bad English hope you'll understand what am trying to say.

Company not allowing one to go for Jumuah Salaah

Q: I'm currently working in a company and my director doesn't permit us to go out of institute to offer jumma prayer. We are only 6-7 Muslims in the whole institute. And the masjid which is nearest, we could not hear its adhan. Can we offer jumma in jamaat in which one person would say azan and one person would be an imam and he'd read khutba. We can offer namaz in a pantry room. Is it permissible or going to masjid is mandatory?

Permissible employment

Q: Is a govt job halal? Govt takes a loan and gives the employees salary from those money. Is it true? How to consume 100% halal food? When we go to others house as mehman and married to someone whose house is not that concern what should I do in that case?

Taking a job where one is comfortable

Q: I have a Shaikh who I meet whenever at my masjid.He has been helping me to find a job at the masjid for about a year. Three days  days ago, I met with him, he introduced me to two sisters to see if they are able to help me to do something in the masjid. I was interested to work as an Islamic teacher or as an assistant. However, the sister who I was interacting with mostly wasn't telling me clear-cut if I am hired and gave me paper works that are meant for a person who is hired. On Thursday, I went back to ask if I am hired and if I'm not hired, why they gave me these paper works? The other sister who is the school principal of this particular branch of our masjid was not being straight with me either. She was telling me that every company in America, they will give these paper works that ask for your income tax, bank information, and etc. However, in America, companies can only hand out these papers to employees who are hired for the job. She also told me that masjids are not a good place to find a job. My question is this, should I inform my Sheikh about this issue?

Earnings of a web developer

Q: I am a web developer. I did a job of a website which has some relation with alcohol. I didn't know before I accept the job.

Details: I got a job more than 1 year ago to build a website. That is a "Tour website". I built it's structure, and they filled up their content themselves. After the first contract was done, they contracted me time to time for more small work of structure changing in the same website. Once I noticed that their tour package names are "... place BEER Package", "... place WINE Package" etc. I cannot remember, when exactly I noticed it. But, since I noticed "BEER,WINE", I'm confused about my earning from it.

Today I asked them: "Alcohol (Beer, Wine etc.) is involved with your business. Right?"

They answered: "Yes" "Not really though" "We sell the trip to places, we don't sell alcohol on our tours"

I asked them again: "Isn't your package price included alcohol cost?"

They answered: "" (they didn't answered)

Note1: The total is a big amount. The amount is not easy for me to sacrifice anytime. I need time to earn it. Otherwise I could sacrifice it without any question.

Note2: I follow Hanafi madhab.

Now my questions are:

1. Is it haram for me, what all I earned from that website work?

2. What should I do about the money I earned before I know about the alcohol involvement?

3. What should I do about the money I earned after I know about alcohol involvement?