
Pursuing a career in science

Q: I always wanted to acquire the knowledge of Deen and live my life in the service of Deen. Unfortunately, until now, I have not been able to pursue Deeni studies. Currently, I am 23 years old and I don’t think I can pursue full time Deeni studies right now. So I am thinking about pursuing study and research in material science with the aim of serving Islam through this knowledge, and also with the aim of discovering solutions for some of the problems which humanity faces as a whole nowadays like global warming, pollution, lack of clean drinking water, etc.

1. Many Ahaadith mention the virtue of acquiring Deeni knowledge. If I study science, will I also receive this virtue? Will I be rewarded by Allah  for studying science?

2. Should I abandon studying and earning a livelihood and instead spend my life in serving Deen?

Taking leave from work

Q: Our office says that we have 22 paid leaves in a year, and we can utilize them in any case of emergency. But if there are no emergencies then you cannot take a leave, and after a year if there are some leaves left they will be wasted, because we didnt utilized them.

At the end of the year if we did not fall sick or needed any emergency then our leaves are wasted. My problem is that I spend 9 hours in the office and remaining few hours in home, do the normal stuff like prayer, eating, house things, so I have very less time for Quran studies and Arabic studies. I have started it but the progress is slow and I want to do more but time is not there.

So now I cant take leave saying that I want to learn Quran or Arabic, I will have to fall sick or any emergency, or else it will be a lie, but I know each minute is important, I want to use this time in a good way, Allah is my top priority not the job, so how can I use those 22 leaves for a better purpose, compared to doing stuff at office.

Can I lie to my boss that I am sick and then I study and learn Islam all day, is that right?

Istikhara regarding employment

Q: I have a question about istekhara which I did about my job. I did istekhara 2 times (every time 7 times). In dreams I saw different colours like white, black, red, and green. Some nights I saw good dreams and some times bad. So I can't judge either this job will be successful for me or not in my life and after this. Some time in my heart I feel this is good and I should apply for this job but some time I am afraid. so I can't make a decision about this. please guide me and give me brief reply for my satisfaction. 

Obtaining a pharmacy license through speaking lies

Q: I am working as a pharmacist in Abudhabi UAE. To work as a pharmacist we have to pass UAE exam. Either HAAD for Abudhabi or DHA for dubai or MOH for sharjah. To write the exam we have to provide 2 year pharmacy experience certificate from any country. Most of the people they will make a fake pharmacy experience certificate and write the exam. We have to prepare a lot for the exam. Once we pass the exam, we have to search job in uae. Once we get a job we will get the pharmacy license to work in uae. My question is in India I worked as med representative and I applied for uae exam. They told they need pharmacy experience only. I got experience letter from my friend pharmacy and wrote the exam and passed the exam. It is online. but I didnt work in pharmacy. After passing I got the job in hospital. In interview I told them I work in pharmacy in India. Now I have a HAAD license and I am working in big hospital in Abu Dhabi. My question is my earning will be haraam or what kind of job I should do. Or with the current 2 year of Abu Dhabi experience can I write dubai or sharjah exam. To write any exam we have to provide 2 year minimum pharmacy experience. To practice in uae. I don't want to work as med representative because we have to lie a lot.

Online job for classifying images and products

Q: An online job involves classifying various images into appropriate product categories. One is presented an image and has to select the appropriate category. For example, an image of an iPhone is shown and one has to select the 'Electronics - Mobile Phones' category. Images for haraam items to classify also appear, such as TVs, video game consoles, alcohol, musical instruments, etc. Furthermore, animate images do often appear with the product for classification; one has to look at the animate image in order to classify the product. For example, the image of an attractive woman wearing a gold necklace (where the necklace must be classified). Or classifying a Milo tin that has an animate image on the packaging. One is paid a predetermined amount for each image classified. Please advise:

1. Is this classification of animate images permissible?

2. Is this classification of haraam products permissible?

3. Is any income haraam and Waajibut Tasadduq?

Working as an interpreter

Q: I work as an interpreter in hospitals in Delhi. Foreigners come for treatment and the hospitals give me some percent of investigation that patients have done for treatment. I asked several people who have the responsibility for marketing about additional charges when a patient comes through an interpreter. They all answered that the fee is the same when they come directly. Is it halal for me or not, if not please explain halal ways of earning as an interpreter?