hair transplant

Non-surgical hair transplant

Q: I wanted to ask some questions in regards to non-surgical hair transplant. I am a married woman. I suffer from severe hair loss and have been told surgical transplant is not for me as that wont work. So I have been suggested the non surgical transplant which is hair put into a gel based cap and then attached to my scalp with a glue. The gel based cap is breathable and has tiny holes in it for water to reach my scalp underneath. This is not permanent as I will have to remove it ever 4-5 weeks and clean my skin underneath etc at the clinic itself. So my questions is specifically in regards to wudhu and ghusl. If water does go through, is it permissible for me to use this? Just to add I always wear a hijab indoor and outdoor but I have gradually become bald and this is effecting my life a lot. Therefore I wanted to ask if this would be permissible for me as this is the only way I can have hair or see myself bald forever.

Hair transplant

Q: Is it permissible to have an FUE hair transplant? This is an operation wherein hair follicles are extracted from the back of the neck and from the sides of it (over the two ears) in the form of follicular units (graft) with no cutting involved, by using micro motors equipped with special punch tips of 0,6–0.1 mm. Follicular units are transplanted in thin or bald areas in their natural form without any operation whatsoever. I heard that it is haraam to use wigs or artificial hair to cover bald spots however this procedure involves the use of one's own hair.

Hair transplant

Q: You had answered my question that hair transplant is not permissible in Islam which made me so confused because I am under the impression that hair transplant is using a person's own hair to transplant in the bold area, so how can this be not allowed? I understand that hair wig is not allowed but hair transplant is medical treatment to inject a person's "own hairs". Please clarify.