Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal

Sufficing on the three fardh of ghusal

Q: (I don't know whether I am a hanfi, shafi etc, so please answer accordingly)

The ghusl/ritual bath that we perform to become paak after menses, etc. have three farz/compulsory acts: washing mouth, cleaning nose, and pouring water all over the body. So if we perform ONLY and only these three acts and NOT perform the remaining acts like performing "Wuzu", washing wrists (not the one in wuzu), doing niyyat, etc. will our ghusl be valid and will we become paak?

Also, if I only perform these three acts and that too not in proper order (for example I wash my mouth and nose in the end or any other order), will my ghusl be valid and will my namaz be accepted?

Washing the body for a second time in ghusal


1. For ghusal there is the condition of washing your whole body. I want to ask that if one is in the shower or using a bucket to take ghusal, is it necessaray that every time new drops reach the other part. I mean that if I am taking a bath under a shower and washing my head or chest then the water flows from my head to my chest or legs and my legs get wet automatically. So is it necessary for me to wash my legs again?

2. Is it necessary to remove any impurity before taking ghusal? I mean, if I wash the najasah from my body, does that part need to be washed again for the purpose of ghusal?

Ghusal after haidh

Q: I suffered from continuous bleeding for many months now it's not continuous. But when I calculated my period time and break I calculated wrong. What should I do now? Mistakenly I considered nine days for period instead of ten days. I do wudu before ghusl everyday but I didn't have any intention of fard ghusl after completing 10 days. Are all my prayers fasts in ramadan unaccepted? What do I do now?

Mani (semen) of females

Q: I am in a big problem. I'm really afraid of wet dreams. Last night I saw a dream. It was not of sexual nature, just a lovable nature but I feel as if I was aroused. When I woke up I felt wetness but it was the same wetness I felt a day before when I was awake (I'm thinking it's regular vaginal discharge). I am unmarried so I don't know what mani looks like. Is ghusl still wajib on me? Please suggest because I have doubts in everything, even in wudu prayer and other things etc etc.