Faraaidh and Sunnats of ghusal



1) Please tell me I found little mucus in nose after some time of ghusal, it is valid or not?

2) I was not aware few years ago about wet dream and I never performed ghusal for that, now I know about wet dreams so one ghusal is enough for many years as I don't know how many times I had wet dreams?

3) If l forget to wash some parts during ghusal and I remember this after some hours, can I wash them or renew my ghusal?

4) Can I perform one ghusal at the same time for many purposes means janub and haiz?

Sufficing on the faraaidh of ghusl

Q: If a person fulfils all the fardh of ghusl that is gargling the mouth three times, making water reach the soft bone of nose three times and washing the body thoroughly such that no part remains dry, is the ghusl valid or the sunnats of ghusl have to be performed too? Does skipping the sunnats render ghusl invalid. Also one of my cousins told me that ghusl means wetting the entire body. If this is so then why does ghusl have faraaidh?

Finding dirt on one's feet after ghusal


1. After ghusl, I noticed some small dirt on my feet but I'm not sure it came after ghusl or before. Is my ghusal valid?

2. I repeated the ghusal but I accidentally left out a very small (thread size) dead skin which if I observed it came close to a very small part of living skin. I poured water on top of it without scrubbing and I'm not sure if water will go to the closed parts of the skin. I realised this after praying and I didn't know that I just need to wash only the dead skin to complete my ghusl. So one day after, I completed the ghusl by washing the dead skin area. Was my ghusal valid even I washed it after a day?

Sunnah method of ghusal

Q: Is this the correct method of ghusul? First do niyyah, then wash hands up to wrist three times, then gargle three times, then wash the private areas. Perform wudhu like normal, pour water over the head three time and recite kalima, then wipe off water from right shoulder three times then left? I have been using this method.

Dirt around the private part

Q: Dirt is formed due to sweat around my private part (black dirt) and gets stuck near the place where the circumcision begins (and this dirt can only be seen if there is an erection). Recently it occurred to me that this might have prevented the water to reach the skin during ghusl. I don't know whether that dirt is porous or not. Was my ghusl valid which I have been doing the same way without noticing it from the day I became baaligh. If ghusl is not valid, are my clothes and the towel and all the other things which I use everyday are they paak?

Gargling the mouth and cleaning the nose

Q: When you do ghusl, do you need to make sure you make the gargling noise when rinsing your mouth to make sure you rinsed your mouth correctly and properly? Because it feels embarrassing when you make the noise because other people can hear you outside the bathroom and they would know that I'm doing ghusl and I'm impure? Also, do you have to sniff water up your nose and touch/reach the beginning of the hard bone/part of the nose or is just putting water without sniffing ok because I find it hard and impossible to actually sniff the water into my nose? Also for ghusl, are you allowed to first take shower and rinse your mouth and nose while you're taking a shower? Does this count as ghusl and is it valid?