gender change operation

Gender change

Q: I want to clarify regarding sex change to female as I'm a non-muslim. I love a guy too much more than my life. For him I can do anything. Even I can sacrifice my whole life as well. He also likes me very much for the same, so I at last decided there is only one way. That is to change to female then become Muslim and marry him, settle my life as a happily living couple forever. So please I'm seeking your advice here. First of all, I'll change my sex than later I'll become a Muslim. Next I'll marry him and settle down to a happy life as we both understand each other very much. So you are the only hope for us, because we can do this in a direct way, but we would like to seek your advice on this.

Marrying a person who has changed his gender

Q: I have been a resident in a foreign country for about 10 years. 2 years ago I met a woman who is completely feminine in nature. As time passed our relationship grew stronger. I wanted her to marry me and convert to Islam. She showed interest in doing so but the real problem is that she was born male by gender, and at the age of 21 she had her gender change operation and removed all the male sexual organs with female body parts. Now she is a women in all ways. There is no going back for her. She is supposed to be a women for the rest of her life. My question is, is there a possibility that a Muslim can still marry her given her circumstances , otherwise we know that to have gay/sexual relations with a man is a despicable sin. Please suggest me what to do.