
Intention when making tayammum


1. Is niyyah necessary for tayamum?

2. Do I have to specify that I am doing tayamum for wudhu or for ghusal?

3. Do I have to specify that I am doing tayamum for a specific reason i.e for praying salaah, for janaazah, etc.?

4. If I do tayamum for janaazah, can I pray salaah with that tayamum?

5. Is tayamum valid without niyyah?

Is it necessary to repeat the salaah if water becomes available after making tayammum?


1. According to Bahishti Zewar, Tayammum is performed by first striking the palms of both the hands on a “clod of earth” and then passing the hands on the face. Thereafter, the palms of both hands are again struck on a clod of earth and passed over both the arms including the elbows. However, what about the feet? Are the feet not included at all?

2. In instances where a clean piece of ground is nowhere to be found, what then are the alternatives? In the situation, if one happens to have a bag of plaster sand in one’s garage, would Tayammum be valid if the plaster sand is used instead?

3. Once salaat is performed with Tayammum, is it necessary to repeat the salaat when water becomes available?

Method of making tayammum with a small stone

Q: In Tayammum, is it necessary that the whole palm/hand be able to touch the earth? For example, if someone is sick on a hospital bed, if a small pebble was brought to them, and when they strike this pebble, first with the right hand and then with the left hand, a very small part of the palms touches the pebble... would this taymmum be valid? So actually my questions are:

1. Can the hands strike the "earth" separately (first strike with right and then left), or do both have to strike the earth together?

2. Can tayammum be done with "earth" which is so small that the whole surface area of the palm doesn't cover the "earth". 

Salaah for patients in hospitals

Q: I often do work in hospitals and come across Muslim patients. When speaking to them, I realise that they are not reading their salaah because sometimes they have urine catherters attached to them/nappys/weak in bed and unable to keep themselves paak. Some say they just don’t feel clean in hospital environment or are too weak to make wudhu, etc. How must I advise them?

Making tayammum and performing Salaah on a bus

Q: Once I was in bus and the asr time was running out and due to discharge coming out I did not have wudu plus I had to wash the area, so I thought I should go home then pray but time ran out, it became qada. In this case what should have I done? Is doing tayammum by the touching the bus seat where I don't see any sand but it should be there, is valid? While praying in the bus if the bus turns it direction, is my prayer valid? Should I open my face (for salah) in front of people?