Masah on leather socks where water seeps through the seams
Q: Kuffain made of leather are stitched. Water can seep in and out from the seams where they are stitched. Is it permissible to wear such socks?
Q: Kuffain made of leather are stitched. Water can seep in and out from the seams where they are stitched. Is it permissible to wear such socks?
Q: I use khuffain regularly in winter and I usually always remove it before 24 hours are up before using them again.
Recently I forgot exactly when my wudhu broke after I put the khuffain on. Since I made wudhu and put the socks on after Asr, it was perhaps after I read my Asr Salaah that my wudhu may have broken. I made masah on them thereafter till the next day. The next day I forgot to take out the khuffain, I made wudhu with masah on them to read Maghrib. My wudhu broke after this so I again made wudhu with masah on the khuff preparing to read Esha. I realised my error, but it was too late for me to make full wudhu to read Maghrib again. So I simply washed my feet, put the khuff on again and read Maghrib again just as Esha time set in.
1. Will my Maghrib Salaah be valid or do I have to repeat it?
2. I read Quraan in this time with that wudhu. Would I have been sinful? Should I read those surahs again (Yaseen, Sajdah)?
Q: What are the rules for masah for feet during wudhu during winter season? Can I do it while wearing woolen socks or do I need to wear leather closed ones?
Q: I have bought a pair of leather socks that covers the entire foot upto the ankles. Would this suffice for me to make massah on it?
1. What is the purpose and significance of the khuffain (leather socks)? I don't understand the reason behind wearing it.
2. What is the reward for wearing it?
Q: Can someone do masah on socks while doing wudhu for salaah?
1. Does one have to use all five fingers including the thumb to make masah on leather socks?
2. What is the sunnat method of making masah on leather socks, how many fingers of each hand should be used for masah?
Q: Can I wear normal socks above thick socks and do masah on the outer socks or do I have to remove the outer socks every time I do wudu?
Q: Is it permissible to make masah on thick hard leather ankle length shoes? E.g.: Bronx
Q: I used leather socks before. Now I don't have leather socks so I wear three layers of normal socks which becomes even thicker than leather socks I used before. I do masaa on these socks as I use to do on leather socks during wudu for salah... I hope it's okay. And my wudu and salah are valid.