nail polish

Nail polish

Q: I know nail polish prevents ghusal but what if I removed the nail polish but due to cracks in my nails nail polish gets stuck and doesn't come off even with a nail polish remover, will the ghusal be valid? The nail polish wasn't coming off so I thought since it wasn't though I tried hard my ghusal would be valid. Later today when I was washing my hands I found out that nail polish of the size of the needle tip was also left on two of my other nails including this one so I removed those dots. Is my ghusal valid? Then afterwards o cut my nails today and scratched the remaining stuck nail polish from the top of my nails first with a nail-filer then with a knife. I had to scratch off the top layer of my thumb nail in order to remove the nail polish. Do I have to redo my ghusal? I should have done the scratching yesterday after ghusal I know, but then I forgot to and only remembered after seeing it today. What should I do? Will everything have to made pure too?

Applying nail polish


1. Is applying nail polish during haidh period permissible as we don't have to make wudhu to pray fardh namaz and when we make ghusl we remove it using nail polish remover?

2. Does applying nail polish amount to imitating kuffaar?

3. Can we use other make up items like lipsticks, mascara etc?

4. Are we allowed to dye (water proof dye) our hair other than black when in haidh period?