
Washing impurities before putting it in a washing machine

Q: Could you please let me know if it's permissible to only remove a period stain from a bedsheet with the help of wet tissues before completely washing it in the washing machine or getting it washed from a laundry shop? Will it make the washing machine and other clothes in it najis? It's extremely difficult to wash a king size bedsheet by hand.

Sweat of a kaafir

Q: I read that the sweat of a kaafir is impure. In the Uk there are lots of shopping centres where the cashiers are non Muslims. If we go to the cashier with our food or clothes and they touch it to scan it are we not allowed to wear those clothes and eat that food?

Cleaning dry impurity from the floor

Q: My question is regarding concrete floor and impurity. I know for a fact that some dry impurity fell on the concrete, so I wiped it once with a dry piece of tissue (and should have left it there). But for some reason I had poured water on it and it went underneath the basin of the bathroom. If I tried my best to soak up the water with tissue, would it be considered clean. Keeping in mind I poured water on it once. I was in a hurry because others needed to use the w/c.

Washing impure clothing

Q: If I get some impurity on my clothes then I don't wash it according Islamic law i.e. the cloth is washed 3 times and squeezed with full strength the last time. Instead  I wash it until I feel it is clean. I find it more easier and better than the Islamic way. Is this kufr? 

Water splashes while making istinjaa


1. I feel that when I am performing istanja, water gets splashed on my feet after touching my private parts. What is the ruling about these splashes?

2. Secondly I want to ask about how to clean slippers? If I am taking a bath and my body is najis, then how do I make sure that my slippers are clean after cleaning my body. I suffer from doubts about the inner side of the slippers that it becomes najis if najis water falls on my feet or slippers.

3. Last question is about washing shoes and other things which cannot be squeezed three times after pouring water on them? How do we make them paak if they happen to get najis??