
Washing an impure jug


1. If some impurity gets in a water jug that is used to purify one self after using the bathroom, is it alright to simply wash the jug by filling it up under running water and pouring it out?

2. Does one have to do this three times?

3. Does one have to wait until there is no more water dropping from it after pouring it out before refilling it again?

Washing soiled area of one's clothing

Q: My question is about urine drops. I have an issue of urine drops coming out of my body during prayer.

1. Kindly suggest a wazifa for cure.

2. When urine drops come out of my body, I dont know the exact place where drops are as the drops are sort of dried up. What shall I do in such a situation? Shall I wash the whole area or shall I ignore it?

Mopping a floor with an impure mop


1. My sister mopped the bathroom that my younger brother used, and the bathroom had pee drops on the floor as my younger brother doesn't exercise caution when it comes to pee drops. Then, not knowing this, I used the same mop and mop bucket with the same used water inside, to mop the whole living room. While the living room was wet, everyone walked all over it, and the wetness transferred everywhere in the house. By the time I learned a few days later that the mop had been used to mop the bathroom, all the wetness had been dried. What should be done in this case?

2. Also, my mother prayed on the living room floor (no prayer mat, just on the floor) many prayers. Does she have to repeat them?

Walking with impure shoes on a carpet

Q: I stepped on some stool of an animal but was unaware until later in the day. The place I work is in a room that is carpeted. The day I was working, it was also raining making the soul of the shoe wet making me believe that the najasat has spread on the carpeted floor at my place of work. Now, as I work there on a regular basis I wanted to know:

1. If I would have to clean the carpet in the room?

2. How would I clean the carpet in the whole room as the carpet is stuck to the floor.

3. Would it suffice using a mop or wipes to just wipe over the carpet?

4. If I walked on the carpet again with wet shoes would the napaaki transfer from the carpet to my shoe to other areas e.g. car, home etc...

Doubts regarding impurity on the floor

Q: I had the urge to go to the restroom (for toilet). Before sitting on the toilet seat I usually check the toilet seat whether there is any thing on it or not (I bent my back while checking). The moment I stood straight, I was confused whether from the toilet or normal discharge that gushed out. It gushed so much (this time I really had the urge to go). It was watery and I am confused whether it was from the toilet or clear discharge and that I put my clothes on the floor. I am not sure whether the impurity touched  floor or not. Should I wash the floor? It happened to me nearly three times.