
Cleaning the blood and pus after bursting a pimple


1. Is it necessary to wash the area from where a blackhead is removed?

2. I often get pimples on my face and other parts of my body I heard that the pus that comes out of the pimple is impure, does it means that I have to wash the area after it came out or just remove it with the help of tissue paper? If it is necessary to wash then if a pimple burst on my right cheek or forehead, how to wash it (just put some water on that area or to wash my whole face). 

3. Sometime blood also comes after the pus and after it stops a white water like fluid comes out what is ruling about it? Do I have to wash it or just use tissue paper to remove it?

4. Often pimple burst while taking ritual bath (Ghusal) What to do then? Sometimes blood or pus takes a lot of time to stop i.e. it keeps coming out in small amounts, what to do then?

Washing a tap close to the toilet

Q: I'm confused about the following:

In a combined washroom where there is basin as well as toilet. After istinja a person openes the tap to wash hands and then closes the tap. Is it necessary to wash the tap handle after washing the hands as the washroom is in common use at home and you dont know if some one touches with impure hands. What is the ruling for it?

Clothes worn in the state of janaabat

Q: When a females monthly periods of 7 days are completed every month and after 7 days if she takes a normal bath from head to toe but does not perform ghusl /ritual bath to become paak and wears pure clothes, will those clothes become naapaak? And when she wants to pray later when she purifies herself in these same clothes (which are not purified) can she pray namaaz? I also want to know about: Are the clothes worn after taking a normal bath (i.e. not performing ghusl) after the sexual intercourse if not soiled remain paak for prayers or not?.


Q: I have few questions to ask..

1. Does vagina wind break wudhu?

2. After cleaning yourself is the water in vagina napak? If it drips on cloth how to clean it? After 4-5 minutes the water in vagina become napak?

3. If i don't know whether a drop that fall on my shirt is urine or water as i before washed my face and precaustionary i just wipped the area with wet hand 2 3 times but did not squeeze it and after drying there was no impurity so was it paak or napak? If napak then what should i do clean other things where that cloth touched ?

Using wudhu utensils

Q: Does all pots of wuzoo including lotay, shower, doors and sometimes plastic pipe which are wet by water are clean and paak? Can we use these things without hesitation or we need some special things to use them?