
Pouring water over urine drops

Q: When I went to toilet if some drops of urine fall on ground where there was still water from before, then I pour large amount of water such as half bucket on the area most likely urine had fallen, so will the ground be pure and then if some drops of that ground water splash on my clothes. Do I need to wash my clothes. The ground has not dried or it won't dry only because water is standing still in toilet ground. Not All water but some amount of water.

Urinating in one's sleep

Q: I suffer from urinary incontinence. Sometimes I feel very tired during the day but I am not able to sleep due to fear of urinating in my sleep. I sometimes would like to take a nap for 5 minutes but unable to do so. If i do fall asleep for a few minutes and discover that it has been soiled then what do I need to do. I have been suffering since childhood.

Cleaning urine water on the floor

Q: My question is that there was some urine on western toilet seat which I was washing off by pouring water on it however, some water went on the tiled floor. So I poured 3x amount of water on the floor all at once and wiped/soaked it with a sponge and then poured water on it again and soaked/wiped it with a sponge (did it for second time for the benifit of the doubt). At this point it was already clean but then I decided to mop the tiled floor with a mop. Please can you tell me if the floor is now pure or not? Should I do anything else?

Cleaning a phone that fell in the toilet

Q: If phone is dropped in toilet and is covered with Najasah what's the way to purify it. The phone is expensive is removing the impurity by wet wipes or removing until Najasah can't be seen. Also so if najasah is on ones hand less then size of a dirham I.e the fluid from the private part not semen but the clear one. If the the person touches his phone does that become impure. Last question related to this if Najasah say again on phone but one can't see it, smell it or feel it, so like the one mentioned on previous question, if one was to touch that phone and then other thing would other things become impure. Also how does Najasah transfer, from one place to another.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: I am suffering from ocd from 11 years. Recently I was on night shift and I slept had a wet dream in morning. I changed my night dress. I couldn't have ghusl so came home like that now I feel that the places I walked in my home are impure. Immediately after reaching home I had ghusal. Now I think as I didn't have ghusl I wore my shoes and socks and dress like that. I think they are impure.

Impurity on the bedsheet

Q: My question is that if I am sitting on my bed with my blanket on side touching me and if I pre ejaculated in my underpants and it gets more than 2.76 cms (a dirham coin) then will my bedsheets and blanket becomes impure if I stay in bed for an hour or so before bathing?