
Wiping impurities on the floor

Q: I have messed impurities on the tiled floor a while ago and have not cleaned it correctly (just wiped it with a dry cloth). I'm very worried about the impurities now. What if somebody walked on it with a wet foot and spread it? Is their Salaah accepted? Will I be responsible for it? The house has a domestic helper that cleans the house. She uses a bucket of water and cloth to clean the floor by dipping the cloth in the water bucket every once in a while and wiping the floor around the house once. (The floor becomes very wet and is air dried). There are no visible traces of the impurities anymore. Since the domestic helper cleaned the house and floor, can I assume and conclude that the floor is clean? What should I do? Please please help me. I am extremely extremely stressed and worried. This issue is negatively affecting my life and affecting my performance in my exams


Q: I have this substance that soemtimes comes after I pee. After I pee I take a flashlight and put my penis against the toilet seat to check for this clear string fluid. What is it?

Washing impure clothing in the washing machine

Q: Allah recently guided me to the right path. I was an undutiful Muslim. My question is about impurity. You know that if some impurity touches to your clothes or other things, then you have to wash. When I was not practicing Islam properly, I used to not wash my penis with water after using toilet. Also, I never used to remove semen from my clothes after wet dream. When those impure clothes used to wash with pure clothes in washing machine then obviously those clothes also used to became impure. Now what is the solution to purify all clothes. There are a lot of clothes. When those clothes touch another thing, then they could also cause that thing to become impure. So, as a whole I believe that almost all things in my house have become impure including clothes because I was not conscious about impurity. How to purify my house? My mother will not wash all clothes. I am really worried about this.

Impure clothes touching the exterior of the washing machine

Q: While putting clothes with najaasat on them in the washing machine, some of the clothes touched the outside of the machine. After washing, while taking out wet washed clothes, some part of the clothes touched the same spot of machine where najis clothes touched. My question is, did my wet clean clothes again became najis and should I wash them again?