
Wears slippers with pigskin soles

Q: Someone wears slippers with pigskin soles. If he now takes off the slippers and walks on a carpet, does the carpet becomes impure? The person was wearing socks with slippers that were not wet, but as you know the socks get kind of humid/ from feet heat when wearing/walking. Does such dampness (without actual wetness) transfer the impurity or must it be real wet?

Smell remaining after washing one's hands

Q: I was having a shower and was washing my backside from faeces. I used soap to remove the smell. I then smelt to check the tips of my fingers to check if the smell had been washed off and it had. After I had oiled and dried my body I after an hour or so passed my hand over my nose and smelt something like faeces on my palm. I only checked my fingertips when I had cleaned myself, so I am guessing that it had not been washed properly. I am now worried I have made my whole body and clothes impure.

Urine problem

Q: I m suffering from an illness of urinary dribbling (urine drops coming out). I want to ask you that if I am out of my house and after urine I feel urine drops, can I wash the affected area of cloth with water for Namaz or I should have to change clothes for Namaz?

People who consume alcohol drinking from one's utensils

Q: I have asked this question before but I was still in some doubt. I live in a country where people openly drink and if my friends and all use my glasses and spoon after drinking should I consider them impure. I'm getting paranoid over this issue. Also if after drinking they have eaten or had drunk water and then they use my utensils will they still be impure. When we wash impure utensils in sink we usually don't see any impurity but it's just water that splashes from washing. Should we Consider that water impure. A dry particle from private part discharge fell on carpet. The carpet was dusted where that particle probably fell on floor The floor was then mopped. Should I consider the floor clean or is it impure as it was mopped. Due to this I cannot pray.