
Washing off impurity

Q: I have a problem with my bladder (over-active bladder) where I find  it difficult to control it so at times I have wet myself and it has gone on the
carpet (a few drops) and with impure hands I have accidentally touched a door handle or wall. Now if I touch the same part with pure hands will my hands become impure or stand on the carpet with wet feet will it make my feet impure? Also I have a problem with a fluid that sometimes comes out of my private part. I always wash it but sometimes I don't realise it has come out until I dry myself after a shower but I have with the same hands touched the carpet or door handle or wall and put the towel on the floor, now if I touch the same part again will it make my hand or feet impure?

Discharge from the private part

Q: I have a problem with my stool passage. I don't know how to explain it but it gives of fluids without me knowing it also makes my clothes moist. Its such a thin fluid that when it exits I don't even feel it exiting. My inner garment is moist. I don't know how to attain tahaarat with this fluid and how do I perform my salaah. This fluid has a stench of stool because of it exiting from that passage. After istinjaah I dry myself and rub my hand across I still smell that stench.

Mazi discharge

Q: My question is that, some times it occurs that we both my wife and me sleep together and I have a discharge during sleeping and this fluid touches the body of my wife. Is ghusal compulsory for both or for only the husband?

Impurity on one's underwear

Q: The other day I went to the bathroom to use the toilet and noticed a brown spot on the inside of my underwear. I am not sure how this had come as I had only passed stool the night before only, and after passing stool I had went for a shower/ghusl. In the afternoon around asr time whilst in the bathroom I noticed a brown mark on my underwear and found a mark only on the inside of the underwear. My pants was black so I could not see if there was a mark, I did check and found nothing. I had also checked the same spot on the outside of the underwear and it didn't look like any brown mark there but because it was material there was a slight smell. I had sat on many places during the day, some of these places were my car, rooms in an office, doctors office, home etc. Do these places become napaak wherever I sat? I am always very very careful with regards to istinja and as said I am not sure how this happen. It might have happened when I broke wind etc. Please advise urgently?

Putting impure clothes in the washing machine

Q: We have dawlance 5200 washing machine and it has the facility of washing as well as swill (khanggalna). It has the system of swill is like that we place all the clothes (having water of surf) in the bucket like structure and open a supply of water. The water continuously falls on the upper side of the bucket filled with clothes and get away from the downward side. After switch on the button the bucket spins and the whole process is for the ten minutes. The number of clothes filled in bucket is approximately ten. One day mistakenly my mother mistakenly wash a dirty (napaak) clothes of having mani with the other clothes in the washing machine and the swill as usually. Will all the clothes be na paak?  We have to clean all the clothes? 

Nose bleed

Q: I have been having quite a lot of nose bleeds recently. After the bleeding stops, after washing the area a lot, there are no visible traces of blood, but you can still smell it. What is the ruling on this?