
Keeping Dogs

Q: Is it ok to touch a dog? What about the dogs saliva getting on your body? Is it true that we have to wash our body 3 times where the dog touches?

What should I do with shoes made from pig skin

Q: I have discovered that some of my shoes have been manufactured using pig material. I need to dispose of them. Do I give it to a non-Muslim or, do I put them into the garbage bin. I am concerned that we cannot give anything that is haraam for us to non-Muslims, as they potentially could be blessed with imaan, at some point in their life. I will appreciate your help in this matter.

Washing machine

Q: I had a bunch of shoes that I needed to wash, leather running shoes and other shoes. One of my shoes had pee drops on it. I put the shoes into a washing machine with soap and then after the first washing was done, I did another wash in the same machine with soap. I was going to do a third but I didn't because I thought it was clean. Do you have do wash things that are najis in the washing machine by entering money on three different cycles, or is the one time with money enough for the clothes to be clean?


Q: Usually, when a husband and wife take pleasure from one another i.e. kissing, hugging, foreplay etc. without having intercourse a discharge emits from the private part known as Madhi (pre-ejaculatory fluid). Does ghusal become waajib if mazi is discharged?

Splashes from western toilets on one's shoes


  1. I have Running shoes and what happened is that in these western toilets when you flush the water drops pop out and go far out so you should at least stand a meter away because the outside ones do not have a lid. After I had flushed, I saw a drop on the leather portion of my running shoes (its more like a suede and in the inside of the shoe it says made with synthetic leather) so now I just let it dry because I knew it couldn't go through all the way to my shoe because its synthetic suede. I walked around with it for a couple of days. It rained one day and that spot got wet but water did not flow on it. Yesterday it rained again and the thing is there are 4 little holes on the top part of the suede piece the covers the tip of the shoe. They are about 1 centimeter away from where I remember the drop being and they are on the elevated portion of the shoe and the spot where the drop fell is on the lower portion. My question is enough rain fell on my shoe that the whole suede portion was covered. Now does the whole suede portion become najis? Now when I took my shoe off, the part where the holes where, the sock got wet. So is that najis? I have a feeling this is all waswasas. 
  2. My second question is with regards to Ghusl. When I do Ghusl I take too long and I know I waste a lot of water. I just want to know certain things with regards to pouring water. When say there is najasat on my thigh, I pour water down my thigh once. Does it become clean and the water that falls off at what point does it become najis. What ends up happening is I wash the front part of my leg from my waist down then the back then the front going back and forth and then I end up wasting close to 5 minutes in that and end up showering for 15 minutes. Before it was 45 minutes. I would like to reduce it to just 5 mins to 7 ​mins max. Please help me.

Mazi on one's body after awakening

Q: Is necessory to do gussal (bath) after awkening from sleep if you find mazi and you definately know that it is mazi. Sometimes I dream of sexual intercourse and when I wake up I find drops of mazi on my exit place of my private part and garments and I definately know that it is mazi (colourless fluid) will I have to do gussl?

Spots on one's underwear

Q: When I get up in the morning, I see some little spots on my underwear. I am unable to decide if these are the spots of mani or any other liquid.

But I can give some detail about I experiences related to this problem:

  1. I see these spots daily.
  2. I feel nothing all night and no wet dream.
  3. When I wash my private part, it seems like something oily is applied on the top of it.
  4. These spots are white.

​Please tell me if I have to make ghusal daily or just change my underwear after cleaning my private part?

Performing Salaah after touching a person who uses perfumes which may contain alcohol

Q: Just before salaah was started by the imaam, i gave a hand to someone. When I smelled my hand I smelt some perfume odour. The person's hand was dry, in this case if the perfume he used did contain alcohol or any other impure ingredients did they transfer to my hand? Is my Salaah valid?